The unbearable lightness of being Elizabeth Warren – Orange County Register

The 350 missiles fired at Israelis last weekend were fired by Iran, which has always been committed to annihilating Israel. This is, of course, a commitment to commit genocide, defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “the deliberate killing of large numbers of people belonging to a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or this group “. To constitute genocide, the United Nations says, “there must be a proven intention on the part of the perpetrators to physically destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.”

So is Iran committed to committing genocide? Check.

Since its creation, Hamas has been dedicated, doctrinally and operationally, to the annihilation of Israel by murdering Jews. On October 7, when 3,000 Iranian-funded Hamas gunmen invaded Israel and massacred 1,200 Israelis before being arrested, their mission was to fight their way into Tel Aviv, killing as many Jews as possible . Since then, their leaders have vowed to repeat this massacre again and again until their mission is accomplished.

Attempted genocide? A commitment to carry out genocide? Check. Check.

But when Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, up for re-election and eager to appease her party’s free wing, stopped by the Islamic Center in Boston last week, she knew exactly who to accuse of genocide.

Here’s a clue: it wasn’t Iran, nor Hamas.

Asked about South Africa’s accusation before the International Court of Justice that it was actually Israel which, trying to defend itself against a genocidal campaign, was the party guilty of genocide, the courageous Warren did not did not answer: “Say what. ?”” or “Are you kidding me” or “That’s just not a fair accusation to make against Israel.”

What she said, in order to give in to an audience who asked her to endorse the accusation, was: “If you want to do it as law enforcement, I believe they will find out that it is genocide, and they have plenty of time to do it. proof to do so.

Sufficient evidence of genocide committed by Israel? Like what?

Perhaps it was the obvious intent to destroy Palestinians demonstrated by young Israelis dancing at a festival when they were raped and executed gang-style en masse. Or the simple genocidal intent of the families sleeping in their beds on that peaceful Saturday morning, who were dismembered, torn to pieces or tied together and burned alive.

Warren sometimes reluctantly recites the boilerplate message that “of course Israel has the right to defend itself.” She has “ample evidence” that Hamas deliberately provokes the killing of Palestinians who it uses as human shields, and that therefore it is not possible for Israel to “defend itself” without harming civilians – because it is what Hamas guarantees. First-year law students know what “proximate cause” is. A former Harvard law professor surely does, too.

The accusation that Israel seeks to kill civilians is one that is routinely made by Hamas defenders whenever Hamas starts a war, like clockwork. This accusation, not to mention the ridiculous accusation that Israel seeks to destroy the Palestinians as a group, has been repeatedly refuted by American military experts, who actually know what they are talking about. Gen. Martin Dempsey, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, rejected the accusation shortly after the Hamas-initiated war in 2014. “I actually think that Israel has gone to extraordinary lengths to limit the collateral damage and civilian casualties,” Dempsey told the Carnegie Council on International Business Ethics.

It was 2014, when Hamas “only” fired thousands of rockets at Israeli civilians, before violating a ceasefire and invading Israel. Recently asked by the Senate Armed Services Committee whether Israel was committing genocide in Gaza, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, a retired four-star general in the US Army, responded: “We have no proof of an ongoing genocide. We have no proof of this. »

But Warren, egged on by the far left to recite nonsense, dutifully admitted that there was “ample evidence” that the victim of attempted genocide was actually the perpetrator. She appears to be a cowering Polish woman. A courageous profile, she is not one.

Jeff Robbins, former Assistant United States Attorney and U.S. Delegate to the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, was lead minority counsel for the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.

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