It is never a good thing by following an eliminatory match, everything we can talk about is how unilateral and horrible the officer was. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened after the match of the division round between the Chiefs of Kansas City and the Texans of Houston. Two calls in particular have attracted the anger of fans, analysts and comments.
Will Anderson was called upon to shake the smuggler on Patrick Mahomes during a third below, which led the chiefs to kick a basket and get three free points. Later, the Texans were reported for unnecessary roughness for hitting Mahomas while he slipped, even if they were hitting the helmet rather than Mahomas. Mahomes failed out of the limits later in the game to try to draw another flag, which did not work surprisingly. Cam Heyward spoke of controversial calls in the last episode of Not just football.
“Yeah, Mahomes will receive calls,” said Heyward. “He was MVP in our game and he sells tickets. To defend, you know you are under a microscope when you play it. The second they think it’s questionable is probably launched. And he sells with the best of them. He is the Bruce Bowen, it is the Manu Ginobili where they flop and wave their arms there. “”
During their last 11 eliminatory games, the chiefs have never had more penalties than their opponents, who has many fans proclaiming that there is a clear and obvious favoritism