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The race to become Trump’s vice president: after Kristi Noem shot her dog (and herself) in the foot… here’s who is confirmed to be Donald’s new running mate

Republicans continue to fight to win Donald Trump’s vice presidential nomination, with Tim Scott and Doug Burgun rising in the ranks, but Kristi Noem’s efforts have literally faded into obscurity.

Sen. Scott of South Carolina checks many of the boxes checked by former Vice President Mike Pence, according to an anonymous senator.

“I think he’ll want to have someone who won’t steal the spotlight, who will be loyal to him, who will bring him something.”

That’s why I think Tim Scott will be an interesting choice for him, because I think Tim is very loyal, very articulate and intelligent,” the senator said.

Meanwhile, former frontrunner South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is all but out of action following revelations that she shot and killed her 14-month-old dog Cricket.

Republicans continue to fight to win Donald Trump's vice presidential nomination, with Tim Scott and Doug Burgun rising in the ranks, but Kristi Noem's efforts have literally gone to the dogs.

Republicans continue to fight to win Donald Trump’s vice presidential nomination, with Tim Scott and Doug Burgun rising in the ranks, but Kristi Noem’s efforts have literally gone to the dogs.

Several sources cited by The Hill agree with the consensus in Republican circles that his campaign may be doomed to failure.

“She just finished, too much drama,” said a Republican senator familiar with Trump’s thinking on the issue.

Pundits and GOP insiders believe North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Scott are making an impression on the former president.

Burgum – who, like Scott, ran unsuccessfully for president – ​​continues to gain popularity in Trumpworld.

The senator who called Noem “overly dramatic” says Burgum can credibly be seen as a moderate on issues like abortion because Democrats will try to play him against the Republican Party in November.

Burgum is also a billionaire himself, giving him the ability to self-finance his presidential campaign.

Kari Lake is also considered to be on a downward trend, with Trump disliking her losing campaign for governor and her attempt to replace Kyrsten Sinema in the Senate.

Some Republicans were willing to publicly declare that shooting her dog was murder for Noem.

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott checks many of the boxes checked by former Vice President Mike Pence, according to an anonymous senator.

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott checks many of the boxes checked by former Vice President Mike Pence, according to an anonymous senator.

Meanwhile, former frontrunner South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is all but out of action following revelations that she shot and killed her 14-month-old dog Cricket.

Meanwhile, former frontrunner South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is all but out of action following revelations that she shot and killed her 14-month-old dog Cricket.

“I think shooting a puppy is very difficult to explain to anyone and I think it hurt him a lot,” said Mitt Romney, himself a former presidential candidate.

“I can’t imagine that, doing that. I was pretty stunned when I read it,” West Virginia Sen. Shelly Moore Caputo told The Hill.

U.S. Senators Marco Rubio and JD Vance; and Congresswoman Elise Stefanik all attended an event at Mar-a-Lago this weekend with Scott that many considered to be part of the vice presidential selection process.

Scott remains the favorite in Poylmarket, which allows people to bet on the VP race, followed by Vance, Rubio, Stefanik and Dr. Ben Carson.

Noem currently ranks ninth, tied with equal odds with independent presidential candidate and former Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Ron DeSantis, Mike Pompeo, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Vivek Ramaswamy also maintain long-term deals.

This comes as President Joe Biden recently overtook the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee, Trump, in the odds of winning the election, with people favoring the Democrat by just over a percentage point.

The controversy over Noem’s dog, which has upset and angered even her fellow conservatives at her on social media, has forced Noem will do damage control.

Experts and GOP insiders believe North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum's stock is rising

Experts and GOP insiders believe North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum’s stock is rising

Kari Lake is also considered to be on a downward trend, with Trump disliking her losing campaign for governor and her attempt to replace Kyrsten Sinema in the Senate.

Kari Lake is also considered to be on a downward trend, with Trump disliking her losing campaign for governor and her attempt to replace Kyrsten Sinema in the Senate.

“I can understand why some people are upset by a 20-year-old story about Cricket, one of the working dogs on our ranch,” she wrote on X on Sunday. “The fact is that Dakota law of the South states that dogs that attack and kill livestock can be deposed Since Cricket had demonstrated aggressive behavior towards people by biting them, I decided what I would do.

“As I explained in the book, it was not easy. But often the simplest solution is not the right one.

The book, titled No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward, will be released on May 7.

Noem talks about the dog she shot in the gravel pit on her family property, moments before her children came home from school.

The dog, Noem claimed, had an “aggressive personality” that could not be tamed – as evidenced by the fact that Cricket ruined a pheasant hunt because he was “crazy with excitement, chasing all these birds and running away.” fun with her.” life.’

Additionally, when the governor of South Dakota took Cricket with her to meet a local family, the dog began killing the family’s chickens like “a trained assassin.”

According to a book extract obtained by the Guardian, Cricket would “catch one chicken at a time, crunch it to death in one bite, then drop it to attack another.”

When Noem finally caught the dog, she wrote that Cricket “turned around to bite me.”

Scott remains the favorite in Poylmarket, which allows people to bet on the VP race, followed by Vance, Rubio, Stefanik and Dr. Ben Carson.

Scott remains the favorite in Poylmarket, which allows people to bet on the VP race, followed by Vance, Rubio, Stefanik and Dr. Ben Carson.

Noem currently ranks ninth, tied with equal odds with independent presidential candidate and former Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Noem currently ranks ninth, tied with equal odds with independent presidential candidate and former Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Cricket was “the picture of pure joy”. Meanwhile, the owner of the chickens was crying.

Noem said she wrote a check “for the price they asked and helped them dispose of the carcasses that littered the crime scene.”

“I hated that dog,” Noem wrote, believing the 14-month-old dog to be “untrainable,” “dangerous to anyone she comes into contact with,” and “less than worthless…as a dog.” hunting”.

So she decided to kill Cricket.

“At that time,” the governor wrote. “I realized I had to put her down.”

She shot Cricket in the family gravel pit.

This revelation proved unpopular and damaging to his reputation across the board, as noted by Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana.

“Bipartisan outrage!” I was just amazed that for once there was no blue America, no red America, but just one America,” Cassidy said.

“It’s just like crazy. Why would you do that to a puppy? It’s just crazy,” he said.

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