
The iPad Pro ad looks better upside down; Hugh Grant and others criticize

Hollywood names have slammed Apple’s new iPad Pro ad because it depicts crushing musical instruments, paintings, camera lenses, books, movie characters, sculptures and more Moreover.

Actor Hugh Grant was one of those who spoke out against the ad, tweeting that what it showed was “the destruction of the human experience, courtesy of Silicon Valley”…

The dramatic advertisement, seen for the first time during the Let go event, is obviously aimed at showing that all of these different types of creative work can be integrated into an iPad – that the new ultra-thin device is capable of being used by writers, filmmakers, musicians, photographers and others.

But Variety reports that some argue this literally describes what the tech industry does to creatives.

Producer, director and screenwriter Asif Kapadia wrote, “I like iPads, but I don’t know why anyone thought this ad was a good idea. It’s the most honest metaphor for what tech companies are doing to the arts, to artists, musicians, creators, writers, filmmakers: squeezing them, using them, not paying well, taking everything and then saying it’s all created by them .

Filmmaker and author Justine Bateman was more succinct.

Actor Luke Barnett didn’t do any harm.

If you thought THIS iPad commercial was weird, you should have seen the first cut where they lined up all your favorite characters and filmed them.

Co-founder of Halide Sébastien de With also noted that the ad is not well received in Japan.

I found it interesting to read the negative reactions of Japanese people to this subject, some particularly disturbed because of their belief in “Tsukumogami” – the idea that creative tools can possess their own minds (a beautiful notion), therefore destroy them is really bad…not a great look

But the best response came from filmmaker Reza Sixo Safai, who aired the ad in reverse.

I have to say he’s right: it would have been better to start with this “insanely thin” device and then show all the amazing things that emerge from it.

What is your opinion? Was Apple’s new iPad Pro ad a success or a failure? Does reversing it sell the device better? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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