BERLIN – The role of Germany in the EU has become a central battle point – although unlikely – between candidates for the elimination of the country’s national elections.
“Friedrich Merz presents himself to bring Europe to his grave,” German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Tuesday in a debate in Bundestag, referring to the conservative leader to become the next Chancellor.
Later in the debate, Merz retaliated.
“This federal government has been more negligent in its transactions with Europe than before,” he said. “Never before has a German government has been met so much criticism and contempt in Brussels.”
The elections in Germany are generally not won or lost on the question of the country’s relations with the EU. But the role of Germany in the block has become a key battle between Scholz and Merz since a debate on Sunday evening in which Scholz attacked Merz for his plans to reject asylum seekers on the ground – A decision, supports Scholz, who would go against EU law and undermine European solidarity at a time when Germany most needs the EU to face US President Donald Trump and his pricing threats.
In Parliament, Scholz continued this line of attack.
“If there is a country that benefits from a united Europe like no other, it is Germany,” he said. “If the European Union is targeted by American prices, as is already happening with steel and aluminum, we depend more on European solidarity than any other country. Do you think that this solidarity will arise if Germany voluntarily breaks European law, if Germany closes its borders? Do you think our neighbors will follow him? It’s naive. This harms German interests. »»
Merz has retorted a criticism that he has often used in the past, arguing that Scholz and his coalition with three falls – which collapsed at the end of last year due to the coherent intestine on spending – had, Due to its indecision, lost credibility in Brussels.
Merz has repeatedly promised to provide more robust leadership on the European scene if it becomes chancellor. Currently, its conservative alliance is well ahead in the polls, with 30% support, while the Social Democratic Party of Scholz (SPD) is in third position with support of 17%.
“The ambiguity in our positions will not be repeated under my direction,” said Merz in a great foreign policy speech at the end of January, adding that it was part of the “responsibility” of Germany as the greater economy of ‘Europe. Merz said he would present a national security council in the Chancellery to better rationalize and implement the objectives of Germany’s foreign policy and set clear priorities.
During the parliamentary debate on Tuesday, the German Minister of the Economy and candidate for the Chancellor of the Greens, Robert Habeck, also attacked Merz for the effect that his policies would have on the EU, arguing that his economic plans would mean the end of The credibility of the block with regard to the climate. Merz recently promised to restore the industrial competitiveness of Germany by putting climate policies on the rear burner.
“If Germany votes against climate protection on (February) 23,” said Habeck, “then Europe will not want to achieve its climate protection objectives. And if Europe falls, then global climate protection will be over.
Emily Schulttheis contributed to this report.