
The endlessly frustrating mystery of what happened to Madeleine McCann

As the 14th anniversary of their daughter’s disappearance approached in 2021, Gerry and Kate McCann posted on the website Find Madeleine, the couple having never joined social media: “Every May is hard, a reminder of the years spent, years together lost or stolen This year, it is particularly poignant because we should be celebrating Madeleine’s 18th birthday.

A Met spokesperson confirmed to E! News that McCann’s case remains open but they are unable to comment further on their active investigation – and that it is still a missing person investigation. Clarence Mitchellthe McCanns’ longtime spokesperson, did not respond to interview requests at the time.

A few months later, on April 21, 2022, the prosecutor’s office in Faro, Portugal, said it had an official suspect, without disclosing a name but saying he was acting at the request of German authorities and in coordination with English investigators.

The next day, on the website dedicated to the search for their eldest child, the McCanns wrote: “We welcome the news that the Portuguese authorities have declared a German “arguido” in connection with the disappearance of our beloved daughter Madeleine. This reflects progress. in the investigation carried out by the Portuguese, German and British authorities. We are being kept informed of developments by the Metropolitan Police.

“It is important to note that the ‘arguido’ has not yet been charged with a specific crime related to Madeleine’s disappearance. Although the possibility is slim, we have not given up hope that Madeleine is still in life and that we can find it again.

(Originally published June 19, 2021 at 3:00 a.m. PT)


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