The emergence of cicadas could damage cars. Here’s what you need to know – NBC Chicago

You’ve probably heard warnings about how to protect your trees and pets during the historic emergence of cicadas in 2024, but have you heard about how to protect your car?

It turns out that these relatively harmless insects can cause damage to vehicles if you don’t know what to do.

According to the AAA, the emergence of cicadas can lead to a number of problems with vehicles, including vehicle overheating, airflow problems, paint damage, and more.

“Although cicadas are harmless, they can cause a lot of external and internal damage to vehicles,” says Chris Storms, district manager for AAA Car Care. “Drivers are urged to take proactive steps to protect their vehicles when cicadas are in the area.”

Here’s a look at some things to look out for and what you can do to prevent damage:

Paint damage

According to Jim Crubaugh of Ziebart in Franklin Park, an auto detailing company that professionally details vehicles, “insect guts cause serious paint damage.” Cicadas, in particular, are “very acidic insects,” which can make them bad for car paint if nothing is done to control them.

Ziebart suggests having regular professional cleanings during cicada season and being “very vigilant about keeping your car clean” between these times. Ideally, he says, the car should be cleaned “before the insect residue dries.”

“Bugs that stay on your car too long will eat away at the exterior of your car,” AAA said. “Wash your vehicle frequently with a car wash solution (not household dish detergent) paying particular attention to the windshield and headlights. Waxing your vehicle can also add an extra layer of protection.”


Ziebart noted that residue splattered on windshields can also lead to dangerous driving conditions, so keeping windshield washer fluid in your car, and even a little extra on hand, can prove beneficial.

Radiator grilles

According to AAA, cicadas can also clog radiator screens, “causing the engine to overheat.” Experts suggest getting a grille, screen, or using netting to cover the front of the vehicle.

Cabin and air filters

Additionally, cabin and air filters “can become a playground for cicadas because these insects like to hide in the air filter or cabin filter housing,” AAA warns. They suggest drivers listen for unusual sounds and bring their car in for an inspection if they hear one coming from these areas.

NBC Chicago

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