
Texas woman and her 16-month-old son are denied boarding after misgendering a flight attendant

Jenna Longoria, a women’s health and hormone expert from outside Austin, Texas, says she was denied boarding a United Airlines flight at San Francisco International Airport Wednesday morning. Longoria, who was traveling with her 16-month-old son and his mother, accidentally confused a flight attendant several times as she boarded the plane.

“When (the flight attendant), who identifies as a woman, gave me our boarding passes, I said ‘thank you, sir.’ That’s it,” Longoria told the Post, still perplexed by the incident. The flight attendant became angry and stopped Longoria’s mother, who was helping him with her son, from going through the boarding gate.

Another flight attendant corrected her, saying, “She’s wearing a dress.” Longoria, anxious to get her crying son safely onto the plane, admitted on social media that she “didn’t know pronouns very well.”

Ultimately, Longoria, his son and his mother were not allowed to board the plane, which left with their luggage and medications still on board. United Airlines claimed in a statement to the Post that the family was barred from boarding “following a discussion about having too many carry-on items,” which Longoria vehemently denied.

Longoria documented the incident on his Instagram, sharing a video of his conversation with a United Airlines manager named Gabriella.

Gabriella explained that the captain’s decision to remove Longoria from the flight was final and that she needed to take witness statements to “establish the facts.” When asked for clarification, Gabriella said Longoria was denied boarding “for what came out of his mouth” and mentioned hearing “transgender comments” and “disparaging comments about to be a fanatic.

Shocked and traumatized by the ordeal, Longoria believes that if the captain had been nearby and heard what happened, she would have been allowed to board the plane. She now faces being banned from flying on United in the future.

Longoria and her mother purchased tickets for an American Airlines flight to Austin, which departed three hours later. She received neither an apology nor compensation for the additional tickets. Although the situation was handled calmly, without shouting or pushing, Longoria remains surprised by the outcome and believes that most passengers were unaware of the incident.

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