Target worker complains how she’s forced to close giant store all by herself with after manager leaves

A newly hired Target employee claimed she was forced to run one of the retail giant’s stores and boss around her co-workers after the manager left during her shift.

The worker, known as Ket, said she “was neither prepared nor warned” when she was unexpectedly called to close the store and work almost 8 hours without a supervisor, sharing images of his chaotic shift on April 7.

“There are literally only four people working right now, and I’m going to somehow close 24 registers, guest services and self-checkouts,” Ket said on the viral TikTok. I’m like one of the only people who knows how to do it. I have only been here for 2 months and unexpectedly I had to close the entire store almost single-handedly. The morning manager left at 3pm and no one else ever came.

Ket, who has only been working at Target for two months, posted footage of her chaotic workday where she had to run the store on her own.

Ket admitted she had “no idea what I’m doing” as she walked through a trash can in an aisle at Target.

The worker also revealed that a disgruntled customer was fed up with the fact that no one was present in the store to help him pay while Ket was left alone.

Ket’s colleagues did not improve matters, apparently taking advantage of the lack of leadership.

In the clip, she is also seen trying to communicate via radio with a colleague who took a 15-minute break but reportedly wouldn’t return for more than half an hour.

“Hey, you took your 15 minute break about 30 minutes ago, where are you?” » Ket said into a walkie-talkie. “I need you here please, you’ve been gone for about 30 minutes now, you were supposed to be just on 15 (minutes),” she continued.

According to Target’s code of ethics, the store states that managers must ensure that non-exempt members have time for duty-free breaks and meal periods.

“We depend on hourly (non-exempt) team members to record the time they work honestly and accurately and meet our meal and break requirements,” Target also mentions.

Viewers of the video expressed support for Ket operating as a one-worker show.

“I’ve had so many similar experiences it’s ridiculous, I’m so sorry they weren’t so professional://,” one person wrote.

A worker went 15 minutes past his break, forcing Ket to radio the employee to let him know they were needed upstairs.
A worker went 15 minutes past his break, forcing Ket to radio the employee to let him know he was needed in the field.

“The same way I would have just left the store open and gone home. You are a good person and the target doesn’t deserve you,” replied another.

Other employees working at the popular retail chain shared similar experiences in the comments section.

“Oh target… I remember never getting my last break because there was never anyone closing so me and one other person had to do it allgggg and it’s a lot especially with the returns,” said a former employee.

“Girl, the same thing happened to me at Target. I had to close the place myself 😅,” mentioned another.

New York Post

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