
Tara Davis-Woodhall and Hunter Woodhall reveal their goals for the 2024 Olympics

But they are still in his twenties.

And after completing their work in France, they have big plans to say “yes” to anything that might happen to them. Once the Paralympics end on September 8, “October, November and December are going to be pretty quiet,” Hunter predicted of their travel plans, including a trip with their Celsius team to watch the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Las Vegas at the end of November.

Having missed out on so much during the height of their season, “we really reserve those months away from training for the 25-year-olds,” Hunter noted. “Go have fun, party and party with our friends.”

Basically, Tara said, “Whatever 25-year-olds do, that’s what we do.”

But first, Hunter noted, there’s work to do, starting with the U.S. Olympic team trials on June 21 and the Paralympic team trials next month.


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