Kareena Kapoor Khan celebrated the start of the New Year in Switzerland with her husband Saif Ali Khan and her sons, Taimur Ali Khan And Jeh Ali Khan. The actress has been sharing snaps from her getaway, with one recent post stealing the show. The pictures capture an endearing moment where Taimur lends a helping hand to his mother, wearing her heels after an event so she can walk easily. Fans are wowed by the young Nawab’s thoughtful gesture.
look at the post here:
In the pictures posted on Kareena’s Instagram, Taimur can be seen walking down a hotel corridor in front of his mother, stylishly dressed in a black suit and holding his stiletto heels in one hand. Sharing her pride for her son, Kareena captioned the post, “MAA ki seva iss saal and forever.” Happy New Year friends. More photos to come. stay tuned.” The photos have since garnered admiration for Taimur’s gentlemanly demeanor.
Fans and celebrities flooded the post with love. One follower commented: “It turns into a real blue Mr. Pataudi“, accompanied by heart-eyed emojis, while another wrote: “Taimur is a gentleman, God bless you baby.” Praising his look, one fan said: “What a handsome little man “, and another simply said, “Chote Nawab.” Singer Harshdeep Kaur added, “Awwww so sweet,” while Kareena’s sister-in-law Anissa Malhotra Jain added, “BEST BOYS », associated with a red heart emoji.
Kareena also bid a heartfelt farewell to Switzerland with a post featuring snow-capped mountains, captioned: “Goodbye… It always hurts to leave…”
On the work front, Kareena has a busy year ahead of her. She was last seen in Rohit Shetty’s action-packed ‘Singham Again’ alongside Ajay Devgn. The actress is also reportedly collaborating with Meghna Gulzar for a project tentatively titled ‘Daayra’.
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News Source : timesofindia.indiatimes.com