
Swelling in these parts of the body may indicate a serious illness

Fatty liver disease is defined as the accumulation of excess in the liver. In the early stages, fatty liver disease does not pose a significant health problem and is easily cured, but as the disease persists, the liver undergoes inflammation, damage and healthy tissue is replaced by scar tissue impacting on the functioning of this vital organ. When this significant damage develops, it is called liver cirrhosis and can progress to liver failure or liver cancer.

According to Dr Ajitabh Srivastava, Director and Senior Consultant, Liver Transplantation, Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery, Aakash Hospital, “In India, obesity has become an epidemic. With obesity, many people develop fatty liver disease, which naturally progresses with deposition. fat in the liver. This progression involves inflammation and fibrosis of the liver. Once fibrosis appears, it becomes an irreversible step leading to cirrhosis. Liver cirrhosis is a dangerous disease and patients with liver cirrhosis develop swelling in the abdomen due to this disease. fluid buildup, known as ascites, and may also present with pedal edema.

The appearance of these symptoms – fluid in the abdomen and swelling in the legs – is a worrying sign suggesting advanced cirrhosis. Some may require a liver transplant. People experiencing leg swelling should consult their liver specialist for an evaluation to understand the severity of the liver disease, and appropriate action can be taken based on a final evaluation. »

Dr. Manoj Gupta, Head and Senior Consultant – Liver Transplantation and Gastrointestinal Surgery, PSRI Hospital, says, “To measure severe obesity and identify conditions related to fatty liver disease. Swelling in certain parts of the body may indicate a serious illness.

The best basic formula is “body mass index” (BMI), which involves a person’s weight and height. If the BMI is greater than 30.30, one enters the category of severe obesity. A BMI between 25 and 29 generally indicates overweight. Another method is to measure the “waist circumference”, usually at the level of the navel. In men, a measurement greater than 94 cm and in women, greater than 88 cm, indicates obesity. Another aspect is the “waist-hip ratio,” which compares height and hip size. The waist ratio, as mentioned previously, and the hip circumference, measured at the widest diameter at the level of the buttocks. If this ratio exceeds 0.9 in men and 0.85 in women, it indicates obesity. Other parameters such as “skinfold thickness”, measured with a caliper, can indicate obesity. Although not the most reliable marker, it can be measured at various sites on the body such as the trunk, hip area, or under the shoulder blade.

Obesity is not just about excess fat; it often accompanies associated diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and obstructive sleep apnea, all linked to obesity. If a patient has these associated problems, it may indicate obesity, which can lead to fatty liver disease. »

Fatty liver disease can be caused by either excessive alcohol consumption (alcohol-induced fatty liver disease) or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, brought on by an unhealthy lifestyle and chronic illnesses such as obesity and obesity. diabetes.

Cirrhosis is the last stage of fatty liver disease. Liver cirrhosis can cause swelling in several areas of the body which should not be taken lightly.

Abdomen (ascites)

The development of ascites is a symptom indicative of serious liver disease. Ascites is an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. In cases of severe fatty NASH or advanced alcoholic fatty liver disease, inflammation and scarring of the liver can cause high pressure in the blood veins of the liver, a condition known as portal hypertension. This high pressure can cause fluid to leak from the liver’s blood veins into the abdominal cavity, causing swelling and pain.

Legs and ankles

Edema, often called swelling of the legs, feet, or ankles, is one of the symptoms of liver disease. When the liver is not functioning properly, pressure builds up in its veins, causing this enlargement. The pressure inhibits blood flow to the liver, making the kidneys unable to remove too much salt from the body. Swollen veins in the feet and ankles should be taken with caution.

In some people, the swelling may move from the ankles to the feet. Swollen feet are sometimes seen following a tough day at work, but there may be underlying abnormalities causing recurrent swelling of the feet.

Tip of the fingers

Finger clubbing, in which the fingertips spread out and become rounder than usual, is a symptom of liver cirrhosis. See a doctor immediately and get prompt treatment if the illness persists.

Chest and breasts

Men with severe fatty liver disease may develop gynecomastia, a disorder characterized by enlargement of breast tissue. This develops as a result of hormonal imbalances linked to liver damage. This could be linked to decreased sexual desire and infertility.

How to manage fatty liver?
Early identification and effective care are essential in the early stages of this disease, limiting the progression of fatty liver disease (MAFLD) and its consequences. Lifestyle changes, such as eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and minimizing alcohol consumption, can help manage fatty liver disease and reduce the risk of serious complications.

If you suspect fatty liver disease or are concerned about associated symptoms, consult a healthcare expert for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Measure severe obesity and identify conditions related to fatty liver disease. Swelling in certain parts of the body may indicate a serious illness.

News Source :
Gn Health

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