
“Survivor” calls out fans for hateful comments

Many fans feel that they can say and do whatever they want when it comes to reality TV stars. However, when it comes to the producers of Survivor, they have a message for their fans. While fans feel they have the right under the First Amendment to say whatever they want, this reality show prefers that its fans “show kindness.”

Here’s what the reality show had to say to its fans about not being cruel.

Survivor calls out fans for hateful comments

These days, too many fans like to make fun and send hateful comments to people who participate in reality TV shows. It seems that being anonymous and being a keyboard means people know they can be as cruel and hateful as they want without facing repercussions for their bad attitude. The survivor has had enough.

Liz from Survivor / YouTube

It’s not about fans picking favorites and wanting others to lose.

Gn headline
News Source : m.imdb.com

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