
Sundar Pichai explains why Google could slow down its AI deployments

Google is “moving forward boldly” in its AI efforts, but moving forward cautiously.

CEO Sundar Pichai said the company was trying to balance “moving quickly” and being responsible, which could mean it would have to slow down the launch of future AI tools.

In a recent interview with YouTuber Varun Mayya, Pichai said, “I think with technology like this, which is growing rapidly, you have to follow the curve where you push, but also be so responsible, but there is Exchanges. disabled.”

He explained that the positive reaction is “why you see us moving forward quickly, but there will be times where we feel ‘okay, maybe, this technology, it’s important to spend more time to do things well.

He added: “Overall, yes, we are moving forward boldly. »

Pichai also said the public response to AI-based products it has rolled out, such as AI Search Insights, gives the company confidence it is moving in the right direction.

The comments follow an error earlier this year with Google’s text-to-image generator Gemini, which saw it generate historically inaccurate images, leading the company to pause its wider launch. ladder.

Pichai later said, “We were wrong,” which might have made the company more wary of releasing new products before they were ready.

Like other big tech companies, Google is under pressure to quickly deliver AI products to gain a competitive edge in the AI ​​race. Companies – including Microsoft, Meta, Amazon and Apple – are investing big money in AI and making strategic changes to give them a head start.

A recent research note from Bernstein indicates that companies are on track to invest a total of $200 billion this year in AI infrastructure, equipment and real estate. Google alone is spending $1.1 billion to expand its main data center in Finland, Bloomberg reported.

In April, Google reshuffled its management team to accelerate the company’s progress. It merged its platforms and devices units into a single team to focus on Android, Chrome and gadgets. Last year, the tech giant also merged its two AI research groups, Google Brain and DeepMind, into a new team called Google DeepMind.

Google did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Business Insider, made outside of normal business hours.


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