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Stuck in emergency rooms, seniors wait for hospital care and suffer preventable harm – Orange County Register

By Judith Graham, KFF Health News

Every day, this scene plays out in hospitals across America: older men and women lie on gurneys in emergency room hallways, groaning or suffering in silence as hurried medical staff occupies crises.

Even when doctors determine that these patients need to be admitted to the hospital, they often wait for hours – sometimes more than a day – in the emergency room, suffering pain and discomfort, not receiving enough food or water. , not moving, not receiving help to get to the hospital. bathroom and not receiving the care that doctors deem necessary.

“You walk through the corridors of the emergency room and they are lined from one end to the other with patients on stretchers in various states of distress crying for help, including a number of older patients,” Hashem said Zikry, an emergency room physician at UCLA Health.

Doctors who work in emergency rooms say this problem, known as ER boarding, is as bad as it’s ever been — even worse than during the early years of the COVID pandemic -19, when hospitals were filling with desperately ill patients.

California Daily Newspapers

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