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Stolen French bulldog “Diego” reunited with Altadena family – Orange County Register

An Altadena family was reunited with their French bulldog Diego after he was stolen from a relative’s Pasadena home just two weeks ago.

Shortly after 1 p.m. Saturday, Diego’s owner, Dee DeLara, said she received a phone call from the Pasadena Humane Society, saying a nurse reported him after finding the 1-year-old dog tied to a pole behind a hospital on Huntington Drive. in Arcadia. Less than 15 minutes after the call, Diego was reunited with his owners.

“I’m so happy he’s back, I’m relieved he’s safe,” said DeLara’s 12-year-old son Austin, to whom his mother gave the long-haired blue Frenchie eight months ago. early.

The dog was stolen a day before Austin’s birthday.

Diego was temporarily residing with the owner’s mother in Pasadena when he was stolen from her residence on April 20. Due to a lack of security camera footage, Pasadena Police Department detectives had no leads on a suspect, Dee DeLara said.

“He arrived and he acclimatized very quickly. He ran straight to his toys,” Dee DeLara said, noting that Diego was exhausted but appears healthy, although he now has a slight limp.

“Honestly, I think the fact that he was neutered saved him,” she said, because he couldn’t be used for breeding.

French bulldogs have been targeted by thieves in recent years due to their high demand and high resale price on the black market.

California Daily Newspapers

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