
Stephen A. Smith hits back at former MLB pitcher Jonathan Papelbon for calling him ‘racist’: ‘I could sue you for telling a lie like that’

  • Smith said he may sue Papelbon for ‘lying’ about his locker room ban request
  • Papelbon-Smith feud started when Smith questioned injury to Mike Trout
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ESPN host Stephen A. Smith responded to criticism from former Red Sox pitcher Jonathan Papelbon – where the former MLB player accused the sports personality of racism.

Papelbon claimed Smith was “fake” and saying things just to have opinions, after the ESPN host questioned injured Angels star Mike Trout.

The former pitcher also said the reporter was once banned from the Philadelphia Phillies clubhouse for trying to peer through the manager’s door.

Smith responded on his podcast, in a lengthy rant where he addressed each of Papelbon’s main claims.

“What do you mean, I got kicked out of a Major League Baseball club,” Smith said. “I have been a journalist and sports commentator for 30 years.

Stephen A. Smith responded to ex-MLB star Jonathan Papelbon, who called him racist

Papelbon, a former Phillies pitcher, said Smith was kicked out of the Philadelphia locker room.

Papelbon, a former Phillies pitcher, said Smith was kicked out of the Philadelphia locker room.

Papelbon's comments came after Smith openly questioned Mike Trout's injury.

Papelbon’s comments came after Smith openly questioned Mike Trout’s injury.

“This has never happened in any sport. I have never been kicked out of a locker room. I have never been kicked out of a clubhouse. … It’s a lie.

“Now I could sue you for lying, telling such a lie like that.” But I won’t do it. I won’t waste my time.

Smith continued: “I think when people bring up the word racist, if they looked at you and me sitting together, I think they would look at you before they would look at me.”

“I never talked about you. You are irrelevant. At least until today.

“And because I mention that, you would go on the air, Papelbon, without knowing anything about me, and you would call me racist,” Smith also said.

“I am a black man. We have a history of racism. And many times, these experiences come from people who are just like you. And I would never think of calling you a racist.

“What you said is wrong, irresponsible, insignificant and if it provokes a reaction, it is hopeless. Because now that you don’t have a playing career to fall back on, I imagine you need help in other areas.

“That’s about all you’re going to get from me. Be an adult, bro. The things you’ve said about me sound like they’re pretty damn racist, and I still wouldn’t call you that unless you are sure.

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