
Star Trek: Seasons of Discovery Ranked

As for the last season, Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 could potentially move up in my rankings, but my initial impression was one of deep disappointment. For starters, 32nd century Starfleet seemed disappointingly underdeveloped… for example, we went from drooling over what future Federation ships would look like to having to frantically freeze frames just to get a bad glimpse of a blurry hull .

From start to finish, no doubt, Discovery I never really took the opportunity to show us future ships and bases, leaving the distant future of this franchise largely overlooked and undercooked.

Your mileage may vary, but for me it was the Star Trek: Discovery season where the “mystery of the season” format began to influence me. I thought the Red Angel stuff from Season 2 was relatively exciting, but uncovering the mystery of the Burn in Season 3 felt like the show, like Starfleet ships of the future without functional dilithium, had lost the ability to move very quickly. The reveal that the galaxy was nearly ruined because of Kelpien’s random mommy issues is almost too disappointing for words.

Not almost as disappointing as seeing the inside of the turbolift corridor.

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