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Sprinter Gabby Thomas Reveals The Best Part of the 2020 Olympics

But that doesn’t mean she has to run away from her original love. “I’ve gotten to a point where you ask yourself, ‘Should I make a choice?'” she admitted. “And I thought: No, because I’ve never had to choose before. I’ve always been able to pursue exactly what I wanted to do and I’ve always been able to do everything, so I decided. says: I’m going to do it all! I’m going to take this master’s degree and work on this health equity topic that I love, and help make an impact in the community while running on the track.

For Thomas, that means taking advantage of opportunities like the chance to partner with Eli Lilly and Company, the health equity sponsor of Team USA.

Given her areas of expertise, she was particularly drawn to the brand’s “work to increase diversity in clinical trials and expand education and employment opportunities for people from historically marginalized communities », noted Thomas. “It’s really been very important to me, I dedicate a lot of my time off the track to this goal and it’s something that I was passionate about in high school, university and even masters, so I’m really excited .”


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