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Spanish Parliament definitively approves amnesty law for Catalan separatists

MADRID– The Spanish Parliament on Thursday voted to finally approve a controversial amnesty law for hundreds of Catalan separatists involved in the illegal and unsuccessful 2017 secession attempt.

The legislation was supported by Spain’s left-wing coalition government, two Catalan separatist parties and other smaller parties. It was adopted by 177 votes to 172 in the lower house, with the conservative People’s Party and the far-right Vox opposing it.

The amnesty could benefit former Catalan regional president Carles Puigdemont, who is a fugitive from Spanish law in Belgium after fleeing his country following the failed October 2017 secessionist attempt he led. It is also expected to help hundreds of others, including former Barcelona government officials, ordinary citizens who participated in the secession attempt or protests, and some police officers involved in the suppression of an illegal referendum on the independence organized by the Puigdemont government.

However, the adoption of the amnesty law does not immediately end the legal mess in which the separatists find themselves.

The law will likely face legal challenges and be reviewed by higher courts. It must also be applied by the courts on a case-by-case basis. Some experts question its constitutionality because, according to them, it would create inequalities between Spanish citizens by favoring some over others.

Since coming to power in 2018, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has focused on reducing tensions in northeastern Catalonia and says amnesty is key to making that process happen.

But amnesty was also a political necessity for Sánchez, who accepted the act of pardon when he needed the support of separatist lawmakers in Madrid to form a new national government in November. It was initially approved by the lower house of Parliament in March. The Senate, where right-wing parties hold a majority, vetoed it earlier this month, but the lower house passed it anyway.

Tensions were high in the room. The vote was conducted by roll call, with each lawmaker rising to cast a verbal vote. An opposition MP shouted “traitor!” to Sánchez after getting up to vote “yes”.

The Parliament session had already taken a bad turn during the debate when socialist spokesperson Artemi Rallo was interrupted by the Vox MP, who repeatedly called him “betrayed” and “corrupt”.

“Europe, Spain and Catalonia have said ‘yes’ to amnesty, even if you don’t like it,” Rallo retorted. He was referring to the approval of the amnesty law by the Council of Europe, a non-European institution that promotes human rights.

Although amnesty is popular in Catalonia, even among many trade unionists, the Popular Party and Vox have led protests against the measure in Madrid and other cities across the country. The amnesty was also criticized within Sánchez’s Socialist Party.

Popular Party leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo tried to shame the socialists for granting amnesty in exchange for the “seven votes” from Puigdemont’s party he needed to stay in power. He also warned Sánchez that once the bill passes, he should expect little favors from separatists, whose support is essential to keeping his fragile government in power.

“This is an exchange of power for privilege and impunity,” Feijóo said.

The long legislative road to amnesty ends as European Parliament elections on June 6-9 approach and the Socialists try to form a government in Catalonia after defeating the separatists in regional elections earlier this month.

Parliamentary spokespeople for Catalan separatist parties have not expressed gratitude to Sánchez. Instead, they praised their supporters and former leaders who spent time in prison before Sánchez pardoned them, as well as those who left the country like Puigdemont.

“Today is truly a historic day. Today there is no forgiveness. Today, a battle has been won in a centuries-long conflict between two nations,” said Míriam Nogueras, of Puigdemont’s Ensemble party.

They also insisted that the separatists’ next goal would be to try to force Sánchez to renege on his promise never to grant them permission for an independence referendum.

Gabriel Rufían, a Republican Left MP from Catalonia, told lawmakers: “Next step: the referendum.”


Joseph Wilson reported from Barcelona, ​​Spain.

ABC News

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