World News

South Korea responds to North’s trash balloons with loudspeaker broadcasts

SEOUL — North Korea floated balloons carrying trash toward South Korea on Sunday, the South Korean military said, saying it would retaliate with “large-scale” loudspeaker broadcasts.

South Korea’s military said the North’s actions in raising tensions near the heavily armed border could have fatal consequences, adding that the North Korean regime would bear sole responsibility.

“As we have repeatedly warned, the military will conduct large-scale loudspeaker broadcasts on all fronts starting at 1 p.m. today,” the South’s joint chiefs of staff said, calling the North’s balloon launch vulgar and shameful.

For years, activists and defectors in South Korea have sent their own balloons carrying propaganda leaflets and other items into North Korea, angering Pyongyang.

Earlier this week, the South Korean military decided to resume its 24-hour loudspeaker broadcast campaign targeting North Korea in response to what it called Pyongyang’s despicable launch of balloons carrying trash across the border.

Since May, North Korea has been floating thousands of balloons with garbage bags attached, which has become a new source of tension between the two Koreas.

Thunderous propaganda, international news and K-pop music: South Korea’s broadcasts are seen by military officials and activists as an effective form of psychological warfare.

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