
Sleeping with air conditioning on a hospitalized woman, know the risks of using air conditioning at night

A British woman was hospitalised and put on a drip after sleeping with the air conditioning on in a hotel room after being diagnosed with a “very serious case of tonsillitis”.

According to a report from MailOnline, Liana Foster came to Antalya in Turkey for a family holiday from north London. The holiday was cut short after two days by a severe bout of tonsillitis when Foster began feeling “groggy and also had a sore throat”. She said she could not eat or drink and thought it was a Covid infection as her temperature was high and her body ached.

The musty air coming from the hotel room’s air conditioner is probably the cause of his condition.


Foster began feeling unwell after her first night in the hotel room, but she didn’t see the hotel’s resident doctor because she said it was expensive. “I couldn’t take oral antibiotics so I had to have injections for three days, twice a day. I was in a lot of pain,” the woman told MailOnline.


What is tonsillitis and what are its symptoms? It is an inflammation of the tonsils, small tissues located at the back of the throat. Common signs and symptoms include swollen tonsils, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and tender lymph nodes on the sides of the neck. It can be caused by a virus or bacteria. In cases where treatments are not effective, surgery to remove the tonsils is performed.

Tonsillitis is more common in children and adolescents. It can also cause fever, stomach pain, neck pain, and headache.

The risks of sleeping with the air conditioning on
Legionnaires’ diseaseAir conditioning in hotels or offices can put you at risk of serious lung infections. According to NHS UK, inhaling water droplets from appliances such as air conditioning or hot tubs can cause Legionnaires’ disease, a type of lung infection. Symptoms of this disease include coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, vomiting and some neurological disorders. People can catch this infection in hotels, hospitals or offices where the bacteria is present in the water supply. However, people do not usually catch this infection at home.

Sore throat
Do you leave the air conditioning on all the time or leave it on all night while you sleep? This can put you at risk for several health problems. Air conditioning can remove moisture from the air and eventually dry out the air, leading to throat irritation, pain, and discomfort.

Skin problems
According to dermatologists, exposure to dry air from the air conditioner can aggravate existing skin problems such as eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, among others. Additionally, your skin may also lose moisture, leading to premature skin aging.

Hair health
Are you losing too much hair lately? You may be using your air conditioning too much. Since it can strip the air of moisture, it can also affect the health of your hair, making it dry and brittle.
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