The Mumbai Police recently informed the Bombay High Court that the forgery case has been filed against the actress. Shweta Tiwari by her ex-husband Abhinav Kohli in 2021 has been cancelled. According to a report in the Free Press Journal, the Mumbai Police submitted an ‘A’ summary report to the Bombay High Court on December 17, 2024, which stated that while the case against Shweta appeared credible, there was no evidence to support it. was found to support the allegations. . The “A” Summary Report is typically filed when a case is considered valid but cannot be proven due to insufficient evidence.
During the hearing, Additional Public Prosecutor MH Mhatre, who represented the police, submitted an inquiry report dated December 17, 2024. Following this development, Tiwari’s lawyers S Purohit and Chaval Patil decided to not to press the motion and asked the court for permission to withdraw it. .
Let’s talk about Shweta’s second ex-husband, Abhinav Kohli, who appeared in court and informed of his intention to file a protest petition challenging the findings of the investigation. The court allowed the petition to be withdrawn and also informed them that both parties were free to pursue further legal remedies if necessary. The court added: “However, it is clear that both parties would be free to initiate appropriate legal proceedings in accordance with law if an order adverse to either party is made.”
Abhinav Kohli filed a complaint with the BKC police in March 2021, claiming that Shweta Tiwari forged his signature on a no-objection certificate (NOC) in order to obtain a UK visa for their son Reyansh. The actor also contacted the UK embassy in India, which led to the visa being cancelled.
On the personal front, Shweta was married to Abhinav, but the two separated in 2019. They are parents to their son Reyansh. Shweta was previously married to Bhojpuri actor Raja Chaudhary and they divorced in 2007. Shweta and Raja have a daughter, Palak Tiwari.
On the work front, Shweta managed to win hearts with her role as Prerna in Kasautii Zindagii Kay. She has done shows like Parvarrish – Kuchh Khattee Kuchh Meethi, Mere Dad Ki Dulhan and Main Hoon Aparajita. She was last seen in Rohit Shetty’s Singham Again as a police officer.
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