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Shocking moment drunk driver nearly swerves into group of teenage cadets after drinking bottle of wine

This is the moment a drunk driver almost swerved into a group of teenage cadets after drinking wine.

Shocking police footage shows Timothy Sledge, 59, driving a Ford Fiesta in Brampton, Cambridgeshire, in March this year.

The gray vehicle can be seen swerving toward the sidewalk as it passes a group of cadets walking along the sidewalk, narrowly missing them.

At one point, he can be seen driving down the middle of the road before returning to his lane.

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Shocking police footage shows Timothy Sledge, 59, driving a Ford Fiesta in Cambridgeshire in March this year

Shocking police footage shows Timothy Sledge, 59, driving a Ford Fiesta in Cambridgeshire in March this year

The gray vehicle can be seen swerving toward the sidewalk as it passes a group of cadets walking along the sidewalk, narrowly missing them.

At one point, he can be seen driving in the middle of the road before returning to his lane.

A member of the public flagged down a passing police car to raise concerns about Sledge’s driving.

Officers from the Rural Crime Action Team followed Sledge and found him parked in a housing estate.

Sledge, from Salisbury, was breathalyzed at the roadside and blew 109, three times the legal limit of 35 micrograms in 100 milliliters of breath.

In custody, the 59-year-old admitted to police that he had drunk “nearly a bottle of wine” and gave another breathalyzer test of 78.

On April 18, Sledge pleaded guilty to drink driving and was banned from driving for 17 months at Cambridge Magistrates’ Court.

He was also ordered to pay a fine of £784.

A member of the public flagged down a passing police car to express concern about Sledge’s driving.

In custody, the 59-year-old admitted to officers he had drunk “almost a bottle of wine” and gave a reading of 78. Pictured: Dashcam footage from the trip

PC Francesca Lynch, who investigated, said: “Thanks to a member of the public, this individual now knows the consequences of drink driving.

“Having consumed almost a bottle of wine, he is lucky not to have harmed the many pedestrians and road users, or himself.

“There is no excuse for drink driving and we urge anyone who knows of a drink driver to report it to us.”

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