Series of earthquakes shakes southern US-Mexico border

A series of earthquakes struck just south of the U.S.-Mexico border Sunday and early Monday, with the largest reaching a magnitude of 4.9, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The first in a series of earthquakes occurred shortly before 10:30 a.m. Sunday, centered about 20 miles southeast of Mexicali, near Delta, Mexico. That 3.3 magnitude quake was followed by three others – all smaller than the first – before the 4.9 quake struck at 11:22 a.m., according to the USGS.

Over the next 15 hours, nearly 30 additional earthquakes would be recorded, all in the same region of Baja California. Most were below 4 on the current magnitude scale, but at least three others were above 4. The latest arrived just after 2 a.m. Monday.

People have recorded feelings of weakness or slight shaking in San Diego County, according to public documents shared with the USGS.

It was not immediately clear whether the earthquakes caused any damage or injuries.

In mid-February, another series of earthquakes struck roughly the same area, with more than 20 earthquakes recorded in a few hours around El Centro, California. No major damage was then reported.

California Daily Newspapers

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