
Selaco review: the best retro FPS of 2024

Things are not looking good for me. I’m at a few levels Sélaco, a new FPS now available on Steam, and I’m stuck behind a bar as a group of sci-fi soldiers unload their rifles and shotguns into my hideout. I am also in poor health. So yes, it’s a bad place. I take a deep breath and try something.

As quietly as possible, I slip behind the bar, throw an ice grenade at the enemies, then dash behind a wall. A moment later, a boom occurs and my enemies are frozen. I spot a propane tank nearby, pick it up and toss it to them. A second later I shoot them and watch them explode. On my screen, a notification informs me that I’ve killed enough of these bastards to unlock a new milestone and earned new crafting materials to make my assault rifle even better. Soft!

I then remember that the game I’m playing, which allows me to do all of this and more, was built using a modified version of the old Loss motor and laugh. This kind of thing happens often Sélaco, a game that rarely feels like it’s built on old bones and outdated technology, but instead feels like a polished, modern shooter with stylish retro visuals. What is most surprising about Sélaco wasn’t it developed in GZDoombut that it might be one of the best shooters I’ve played in years.

Modified Orbit Studios

Sélaco, now available on Steam via Early Access, is a first-person shooter set in the last surviving city containing all of human civilization. And unfortunately for the people living there, an alien invasion is happening and it’s up to you, a security guard, to help fight them off and save the day. Contrary to Loss and similar shooters of that era, Sélaco actually has a lot of lore and world-building to explore via emails and terminals, if that’s something you’re interested in. But if you’re just here to take down bad guys with cool weapons, Sélaco also has a lot of them.

This isn’t your grandpa’s boomer shooter

The shooting game in Sélaco is fabulous, with loud and powerful weapons. Even the pistol, usually a trash gun in old-school shooters, is a head-cracking magnum that you can turn into a rapid-fire deadly machine. In fact, most firearms Sélaco can be upgraded to improve their stats or unlock new features. This is done in scalable safe rooms that you find scattered around the world…and yes, you may realize that this is not the case. Loss.

This is something I really want to emphasize. Don’t expect it to play like Loss or other contemporary shooters of the era. Instead, Sélaco plays more like Half-life, Doom 3, Or FEAR. You’ll need to take cover, run away to get a better angle, ambush unsuspecting enemies to gain an advantage, and carefully manage your ammo and health to survive this FPS. If you go in with a shotgun and no plan, you’ll likely be dead in seconds. And as you progress Sélaco this raises the challenge, forcing you to play carefully or die.

A screenshot shows a turret firing at an enemy in Selaco.

Screenshot: Modified Orbit Studios

The big hook of Sélaco for many, it’s the fact that, yes, it was developed using GZDoom, an open source port of the original. Loss engine that includes new features and technologies not found in the old Id software game from the 90s. During the first hours of SélacoEvery time I saw a huge level filled with individual objects that I could pick up and throw away, I shook my head and thought, “This is built on Loss technology. Wild!” But quickly, the novelty of this gadget wore off and was replaced by another thought: “This is a fucking awesome game.”

Sélaco is a more polished, well-made, and fun FPS than some AAA shooters I’ve played in recent years, developed by massive teams using modern engines and big budgets. And this thing is technically in Early Access!

In fact, I bet while you’re playing Sélaco you will quickly forget everything Loss origins by traversing its large, hand-designed campaign maps, filled with different enemies, puzzles and many secrets. Perhaps this is the real secret of Sélaco: Although it’s cool and impressive that it was built using Loss technology, that is much more than a flashback. It’s its own thing and one of the best shooter games in 2024.


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