
Seeking Nominations for Innovative Music Tech Startups Helping Artists

  • Business Insider compiles a list of music tech startups that help artists and their teams.
  • We want to hear your thoughts on which companies will create useful tools for the music industry in 2024.
  • Please submit your ideas here (or less) before April 15.

The music industry is always adapting to new technologies.

Innovations in streaming, audio production and artificial intelligence can change the nature of business at any time.

Some companies are lowering the barriers to entry for music creation by releasing easy-to-use song creation apps. Others automate processes once reserved for professional engineers, such as the track mastering process, reducing costs for emerging artists. And a new generation of AI companies are experimenting with audio generation tools that could prove very disruptive to the industry over time.

Business Insider is compiling our third annual list of innovative music startups that are creating products that will help artists and their teams get creative and grow their businesses.

We’re looking for nominations from you, the reader, for which music technology companies are likely to impact the music world in 2024 and beyond.

Please submit your ideas here before April 15 or enter the information below:


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