
Searching for ‘vandal’ who attacked Labor MP Stella Creasy’s office and passed around ‘malicious’ leaflets – as police release CCTV of man

Police are searching for a vandal who attacked a Labor MP’s constituency office and distributed “malicious leaflets”.

Officers have released a CCTV image of the man who broke into Stella Creasy’s office in Walthampstow, north-east London, early on Sunday morning.

The vandal is shown in the photo dressed in black, with his hood up and holding a large poster with green writing on it.

Offensive graffiti branding the Labor Party a “bombing liar” and accusing it of “genocide” was seen on a road near the MP’s office.

Ms Creasy issued a warning to those responsible for an “anti-democratic attack” which saw her office destroyed and “malicious and false leaflets” distributed over the weekend.

The 47-year-old politician posted photos of windows and glass doors in her office that were cracked and had several holes in them.

Police have released CCTV footage of a vandal who attacked a Labor MP's local office.

Police have released CCTV footage of a vandal who attacked a Labor MP’s local office.

Stella Creasy shared photos of cracked windows and doors with broken holes in her office in Walthampstow, north-east London.

Stella Creasy shared photos of cracked windows and doors with broken holes in her office in Walthampstow, north-east London.

Pictured: Offensive graffiti on a street near the Labor politician's constituency office reads 'Labour: Children bomb liars'

Pictured: Offensive graffiti on a street near the Labor politician’s constituency office reads ‘Labour: Children bomb liars’

Ms Creasy, MP for the constituency since 2010 and is currently campaigning to retain her seat on July 4.

Ms Creasy, MP for the constituency since 2010 and is currently campaigning to retain her seat on July 4.

Ms Creasy, an MP for the constituency since 2010 and currently campaigning to retain her seat on July 4, also said “malicious and false” leaflets had been distributed since the attack on Saturday night.

She wrote on social media on Sunday: “Message to whoever attacked my office last night.

“You do not intimidate me and you have no place in the political process. Just like those who circulate malicious and false leaflets.

“The police are already out to find you – they will push for the toughest penalties to be imposed for such an undemocratic attack and I know that Walthamstow will not be intimidated or influenced by your violence either.”

A Labor spokesperson added: “We totally condemn any intimidation tactics against candidates from any party.

“It is vital for our democracy that parliamentary candidates can campaign freely.”

An investigation into the incident has been launched by the Metropolitan Police, who say the attack was not recorded as a hate crime.

Detective Superintendent Dion Brown, one of the senior officers responsible for policing the area, said: “It is completely unacceptable that the office of one of London’s potential parliamentary candidates would be targeted in this way.

“An urgent investigation is underway and officers attended the scene and are already following active lines of inquiry, which will include a full analysis of all available CCTV footage.

“The incident is believed to have occurred between 3:10 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. on Sunday June 23. I urge any witnesses or anyone with information to contact police and share what they know.

“Anyone who witnessed the damage caused or who has any other information should call police on 101 with reference 2621/23jun.

“Information can also be provided to Crimestoppers, 100% anonymously, on 0800 555 11.”

Ms Creasy was previously an MP in Ed Miliband’s shadow cabinet and was a vocal critic of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, saying the party was “running on empty” with him at the helm.

In 2013, Ms Creasy supported feminist author Caroline Criado Perez in her campaign for the Bank of England to include a woman on the £10 note, and as a result received numerous rape threats and other misogynistic messages on her Twitter feed.

The malicious attack resulted in the destruction of the MP's office and the circulation of malicious leaflets.

The malicious attack resulted in the destruction of the MP’s office and the circulation of malicious leaflets.

Police are urging witnesses or anyone with information about the incident around 3:10 a.m. Sunday to come forward.

Police are urging witnesses or anyone with information about the incident around 3:10 a.m. Sunday to come forward.

She was forced to undergo a social services investigation last year after an online troll said he had a “right” to think her children should be in care.

Police told the politician they would not impose criminal sanctions on her tormentor, who bombarded her office with emails because he disagreed with her political views.

Leicestershire Police said the harasser had a legitimate right to go to social services because he disagreed with Creasy’s views on misogyny, even though there was a lack of evidence against the MP .

Ms Creasy’s stalker used the pseudonym ‘Lance Jones’ and had no personal connection to the politician or his children.

She told The Times that the police response has given other trolls the “green light” to target the families of those in the public eye simply because they don’t like them.

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