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Saudi ties within reach but dependent on path to Palestinian state, Sullivan tells reluctant PM

On Sunday, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan outlined to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the current opportunity for Israel to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia if Jerusalem agrees to embark on a path to a future Palestinian state.

Sullivan arrived in Israel earlier today after holding “constructive” talks on the Biden administration’s “comprehensive vision for an integrated Middle East region” with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Dammam, Saudi Arabia , indicated the White House.

The kingdom said the two discussed a “semi-final” version of a broad security agreement between the countries. The deals are seen as an important part of Washington’s efforts to get Riyadh to recognize the state of Israel for the first time – efforts complicated by the ongoing war in Gaza.

That effort appears to be failing in Israel, with Netanyahu reiterating Sunday that he would not accept a Palestinian state, even if it meant a Saudi normalization deal. Riyadh and Washington have made it clear that movement toward statehood is necessary to reach an agreement.

That didn’t stop Sullivan from pitching the idea again to Netanyahu, as he briefed him on his meetings in Saudi Arabia and the “potential that could now be available to Israel, as well as to the Palestinian people.” said the White House press release.

Saudi Arabia has long called for the creation of an independent Palestinian state along Israel’s 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. However, this is likely untenable for Netanyahu, whose government depends on the support of hard-liners who oppose a two-state solution and support Israeli settlements on land the Palestinians want for that state.

(L) Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, March 20, 2024. (Evelyn Hockstein/Pool Photo via AP) (R) White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan speaks during a press briefing at the Palais Blanc. House in Washington, March 18, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Sullivan also met with President Isaac Herzog, National Security Council Chairman Tzachi Hanegbi and Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer, also discussing ongoing efforts to secure the release of the Gaza hostages and “the lasting defeat of Hamas.” », According to the white newspaper. Home.

The two goals appear contradictory, given that the United States seeks to turn the hostage deal it is currently negotiating into a permanent ceasefire that would likely leave Hamas in Gaza in some form.

But U.S. officials told The Times of Israel last week that the diplomatic initiative they are advancing with international partners will marginalize the terrorist group and that it is Israel’s only alternative to permanently occupying Gaza without aid. its Arab allies to stabilize the enclave.

Sullivan did not meet with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant or War Minister Benny Gantz, both of whom have publicly criticized Netanyahu’s handling of the war over the past week.

Herzog and Sullivan discussed ongoing efforts to secure the return of hostages to Gaza, a source close to the president told The Times of Israel.

He also highlighted “the importance of the contribution of the United Arab Emirates and Cyprus to the maritime canal delivering civil aid to the population of Gaza,” according to the source.

Sullivan also called a modified meeting of the U.S.-Israeli Strategic Consultative Group, which has met several times virtually to discuss Israel’s potential offensive in the southern Gaza town of Rafah.

During his in-person meeting Sunday with senior Israeli security officials, Sullivan was briefed on the latest IDF operations in Gaza. “The two sides discussed methods to ensure the defeat of Hamas while minimizing harm to civilians,” the US statement said, highlighting a point of friction in relations, with Washington believing that Israel has not enough on this question. IDF estimates put the number of civilians killed during the war at 20,000, compared to around 15,000 combatants.

During the meeting, Sullivan reiterated the US position against a major military offensive in Rafah, fearing it would cause further harm to civilians sheltering there, while risking irreparable damage to ties with its Egyptian ally, which shares a border with Rafah.

“Sullivan proposed a series of concrete steps to secure more aid to Gaza, including through all available crossing points and through the multinational humanitarian maritime corridor,” the US statement said.

“Sullivan noted American support for Israeli efforts to find and bring to justice Hamas leaders in Gaza,” the statement added, stressing that Washington continues to support targeted operations against Hamas leaders, including in Rafah.

Biden’s top adviser briefed his Israeli counterparts on talks the United States has had with Egypt “to fully secure its border with Rafah and ensure the continued flow of humanitarian aid through Kerem Shalom, even as talks continue.” continue on the reopening of the Rafah terminal.

U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, left, meets with President Isaac Herzog at the presidential residence in Jerusalem, May 19, 2024. (David Azagury/U.S. Embassy Jerusalem)

U.S. officials have said an expanded Israeli operation in Rafah risks undermining Egypt’s willingness to cooperate in these efforts, because Cairo does not want to be seen as collaborating with Israel against the interests of the Palestinians, who are forced to resettle again in Gaza due to the offensive.

Kerem Shalom has become the main entry point for aid, with Rafah closed after Israeli forces took control of the area earlier this month. Egypt has said it will not coordinate the delivery of aid through Rafah until the troops leave.

Sullivan also highlighted steps Israel can take to improve existing deconfliction mechanisms so that aid workers are protected, days after the deaths of another pair of aid workers in Gaza.

Sullivan stressed the need for Israel “to establish fixed corridors inside Gaza to ensure that aid can reach everyone who needs it throughout Gaza.”

The US national security adviser “reaffirmed the need for Israel to link its military operations to a political strategy that can ensure the lasting defeat of Hamas, the release of all hostages and a better future for Gaza,” the statement said. highlighting a The United States has leveled major criticism of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, arguing that his refusal to plan who will replace Hamas in Gaza has led to the stagnation of Israel’s military gains.

With the recovery of the bodies of four hostages on Friday, an estimated 124 people kidnapped by Hamas on October 7 remain in Gaza, with the deaths of 37 of them confirmed by Israeli authorities.

Indirect talks with Hamas in Cairo failed earlier this month, as the Gaza terror group continues to insist on an end to the war as a condition for the release of the hostages it is holding.

IDF troops operate in the Gaza Strip, image published on May 18, 2024 (Israel Defense Forces)

Meanwhile, IDF troops are slowly expanding their limited operations in Rafah, a move that Netanyahu says is the only way to pressure Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar into accepting a deal.

The war in the Gaza Strip and its influence on relations with Saudi Arabia took on urgency on Saturday when Gantz issued an ultimatum on a number of issues, including Saudi normalization, as a condition for maintaining his National Unity Party in the emergency government, which he joined. after the start of the war. In response, the prime minister’s office issued a statement saying Netanyahu opposes “the establishment of a Palestinian state that will inevitably be a terrorist state.”

Agencies contributed to this report.

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