Saratoga City Council authorizes Chamber of Commerce budget increase

The Saratoga City Council voted to approve a 15 percent increase in the Chamber of Commerce budget for the next fiscal year at its April 3 meeting.

The Chamber requested the increase in light of rising costs for the city’s small business owners, who rely on the Chamber’s free resources to maintain their operations. The Chamber of Commerce contracts with the city to maintain an office open 35 hours per week to serve as a welcome center for the city and provide resources and support to local businesses.

Its operating budget is $17,662 for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. The budget has increased by 3% year over year since 2016.

The 15% increase will only be for the 2024-25 fiscal year, bringing the budget to $20,311, and in the following fiscal year the 3% increases will resume as usual, officials said.

The council voted 4-0-1 to approve the increase. Council member Chuck Page, a former president of the Chamber of Commerce, recused himself from the vote due to a conflict of interest.

Councilmember Kookie Fitzsimmons, who moved to approve the request, said the Chamber was already operating on a “restricted” budget.

“More than money, we need residents to come out and support businesses, but we can’t vote on that tonight,” said Councilwoman Tina Walia.

Vice Mayor Belal Aftab called the increase “prudent.”

“We appreciate that inflation has also been high over the last two years, and even despite the high inflation in 2022 and 2023, we have not had this increase, and that is why I support it,” said Aftab. .

California Daily Newspapers

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