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Russian television described Marjorie Taylor Greene as an “obviously heterosexual” beauty. Here’s what else we learned


Russian television praised the American representative. Marjorie Taylor GreeneR-Ga., as “a real beauty” and “obviously heterosexual.”


Note: True

Note: True

On April 21, 2024, a clip from a Russian newscast purportedly praising U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., was shared by accounts on Asset and his allies:

The clip, provided by YouTube channel Russian Media Monitor, was authentic and correctly translated. Russian Media Monitor, which tracks Russian state media programming and propaganda trends, is a project of Daily Beast columnist Julia Davis.

In the clip, TV host Russia-1 Vladimir Soloviev approvingly released a clip of Greene voting “no” on a military aid package that included substantial support for Ukraine. After releasing the clip, Soloviev and the head of Russian network RT, Margarita Simonyan, said the attacks on Greene were unfair.

“Well, of course she was immediately labeled a Russian agent,” Soloviev said after the clip. “The articles were published with the headline ‘Nyet,'” apparently referring to a New York Post headline from April 21, 2024:

“You just showed how beautiful she is,” Simonyan replied. “She is one of the few members of Congress who tries to look like a person in the old-fashioned sense. She is a blonde who wears a white coat with a fur collar. She is obviously heterosexual.” Despite her supposed fashion sense, Simonyon laments, the American media still calls her a conspiracy theorist:

What do you think Wikipedia says about it? Who is Marjorie Taylor Greene? She’s a conspiracy theorist. She has far-right views. As soon as someone says something that shows they are normal, the American media giant declares them a conspiracy theorist and far-right person.

It is pertinent to note that Greene, in an effort to block the passage of the military aid discussed in the Russian media, introduced a myriad of amendments to the bill that were conspiracy theories, Russian propaganda, or both.

One of those amendments requested funds “for the development of space laser technology on the southwest border.” Another stipulated that Ukraine could not receive any money “until Ukraine closes all biological laboratories and provides all data on this research to the United States government” – a reference to a topic in Russian discussion strongly insisted on the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Neither amendment was successful.

According to Davis of the Russia Media Monitor, the two experts were trying to explain why a bill they had told their audience was doomed to failure – military aid to Ukraine – was so quickly passed. one way or another:

It seems like only yesterday that Russian propagandists were rejoicing over the successful cutoff of US aid to Ukraine, apparently at the behest of former US President Donald Trump. …

Celebrating Ukraine’s declining capabilities without U.S. assistance, prominent propagandists began referring to House Speaker Mike Johnson as “our Johnson,” in the same vein as they claimed Trump as their own , calling him “our Trump” or referring to him affectionately. like Trumpushka.

When President Johnson finally advanced the long-stalled aid package and the House approved $61 billion in desperately needed foreign aid to Ukraine – including a measure allowing the sale of Russian sovereign assets frozen to support Ukraine’s war effort – the disappointment in Moscow was palpable.

Because the clip does indeed originate from Russian state media, and because a pundit on that show described Greene as “a real beauty” and “obviously heterosexual,” we consider this statement “True.”


Davis, Julia. “Putin’s propagandists rage against Republican “betrayal.” » CEPA, April 22, 2024, https://cepa.org/article/putins-propagandists-rage-against-the-republican-betrayal/.

“‘NYET’: New York Post Trolls ‘Moscow’ Marjorie Taylor Greene in Russian.” Yahoo News, April 22, 2024, https://www.yahoo.com/news/nyet-york-post-trolls-moscow-073958592.html.

Russian Media Monitor. Margarita Simonyan says only Russia can stop this war. 2024. YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-SYyNIAOkU.


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