Rudy Giuliani charged with ‘fake voters’ in Arizona at 80th birthday party in Palm Beach

Rudy Giuliani’s 80th birthday party in Palm Beach was stormed ‘like it was Normandy’ as the former New York mayor received notice of his indictment in Arizona, people said sources at the Post.

In front of nearly 75 guests, two officials from the Arizona attorney general’s office arrived at the party around 11 p.m. to give Giuliani documents from the case alleging that he and 17 others were involved in a plot to overthrow the 2020 elections, the sources said.

Some partygoers began screaming and one woman even cried while Giuliani was being served.

Rudy Giuliani was informed of his indictment in Arizona during his 80th birthday party in Palm Beach.
Rudy Giuliani was informed of his indictment in Arizona during his 80th birthday party in Palm Beach. P.A.

“With crime in Arizona at an all-time high, the Arizona Secretary of State’s office felt it was a good use of resources to send multiple officers across the country to storm a 80th birthday party like it was in Normandy,” said Caroline Wren, a top GOP consultant, who hosted the birthday party at her home.

Giuliani’s political adviser, Ted Goodman, echoed a similar sentiment.

“It’s unfortunate that they chose to barge in and surprise the guests at a celebration of this man’s 80th birthday,” Goodman told the Post.

“They could have shown a little more respect to the man who comforted the nation after 9/11 and who defends law enforcement and the men and women in blue.”

Giuliani was the last of 18 defendants to be served, Arizona officials said.

Arizona prosecutors had been searching for Giuliani for several weeks, but as of Friday evening had been unable to find him, CNN reported earlier this week.

At the height of the party in Palm Beach, as many as 200 people, including Roger Stone and Steve Bannon, were in attendance.

After being served, Giuliani got in his car and left, sources said. The Post has contacted him for comment.

Charges against those indicted in the so-called “fake voter” plot include fraud, forgery and conspiracy.

Donald Trump’s former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and former Arizona GOP Chair Kelli Ward were among the 18 charged.

“In Arizona and the United States, the people elected Joseph Biden President on November 3, 2020,” the indictment states. “Unwilling to accept this fact, defendants and unindicted co-conspirators conspired to prevent the lawful transfer of the presidency in order to keep unindicted co-conspirator 1 in power against the wishes of Arizona voters.”

New York Post

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