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Roberta who? Carles Puigdemont more familiar to Europeans than EU Parliament president – POLITICO

Is this surprising? Perhaps not, given that the investigation was commissioned by the delegation of the Catalan separatist party Junts to the European Parliament.

According to the survey, Puigdemont is also better known to ordinary Europeans than the leader of the Socialists and Democrats (S&D), Iratxe García, or the leader of the European People’s Party, Manfred Weber. The only place Weber was better known than Puigdemont was in Germany, his home country, where 40 percent of those surveyed recognized his face.

Frustration with the EU

Survey participants were also asked to assess the EU’s responses to several recent crises. More than half of those surveyed said they were satisfied with Brussels’ handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, with greater enthusiasm seen in northern countries such as Denmark and Lithuania.

When it comes to the bloc’s approach to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the split is almost even, with 49.85 percent saying the EU responded well and 49.81 percent saying the EU responded well. cent having a negative view of their actions in the crisis. Respondents in France, Germany and Slovenia are the most disapproving of Brussels’ strategies.

However, no such divergence existed in respondents’ views on the EU’s handling of the Gaza war, with more than half of participants saying Brussels’ response had been “very or quite poor “. The most critical assessments come from Slovenia, where almost three-quarters of respondents disapprove of the bloc’s actions.

The survey was equally damning when it came to the migration crisis: 70 percent of respondents said the EU had done a poor job of solving the problem.


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