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RFK Jr.’s White House Bid Likely to Hurt Trump Over Biden

Democratic strategist James Carville, in a recent interview on MSNBC, said independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign could be a drag on former President Donald Trump’s 2024 bid.

While many observers say Kennedy Jr.’s campaign would hurt Biden, the veteran Democratic strategist has taken the opposite view.

“I actually think Bobby Kennedy might hurt Trump more than Biden,” he told host Ari Melber last week.

In recent polling of three-way matchups between Biden, Trump and Kennedy Jr., the former president is often slightly ahead.

Kennedy Jr., an environmental lawyer who last week chose attorney Nicole Shanahan as his vice presidential running mate, said recently that he intended to be a “spoiler” for both Biden and Trump – arguing that he would appeal to voters who wanted a break. of the two major party candidates.

“Our campaign is truly a spoiler,” Kennedy Jr. said at an event last week to welcome Shanahan. “It’s a spoiler for the war machine. It’s a spoiler for Wall Street, Big Ag, Big Tech and Big Pharma, the big media and all the corrupt politicians and corporations.”

Kennedy Jr., the son of the late New York Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, is averaging 12.3 percent support in national polls in a three-way race, according to RealClearPolling.

Based on polling conducted between late January and late March, Trump and Biden each average 40.7% and 35.3%, respectively, in a three-way contest with Kennedy Jr.

In a pure matchup between Biden and Trump, the former president averaged a slight one-point lead over the incumbent (46.5%-45.5%) in the March poll, according to RealClearPolling.

Carville, who has warned of cracks in the Democratic Party’s electoral foundation, also expressed concerns about the presidential campaigns of Cornel West and Jill Stein.

The strategist noted that a portion of Americans have a “Just F it all” view of the election and said, “Biden is not going to get any of the ‘F it all’ votes, OK?”

“Now what worries me is Cornel West and Jill Stein because they’re also going to get some of the ‘F it all’ votes,” he added.


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