RFK Jr. Contacted Kamala Harris for Cabinet Position

A day after his already microscopic path to victory was derailed when he was barred from the ballot in New York for lying about his home address, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is once again looking for a way out in his presidential campaign.

According to the Washington Post, Kennedy sought to meet with Harris last week to discuss withdrawing and supporting the Democratic nominee in exchange for a job — possibly as a Cabinet secretary — a request Harris’ team rejected.

“I think it’s a strategic mistake on their part. That’s my view,” Kennedy told The Washington Post on Wednesday. “I think they should look at every opportunity. I think it’s going to be a very close race.”

Kennedy’s team reportedly tried to present polls showing that his support would give a boost to either Trump’s or Harris’s campaign.

Kennedy, whose bizarre confessions that he picked up a dead bear and left it in Central Park and that worms ate part of its brain have tarnished his name in the news cycle since he announced his presidential candidacy, was polling at about 5 percent in recent counts.

By receiving support from social media influencers including Joe Rogan and far-right commentators like Tim Pool, Kennedy has won the support of right-wing voters, despite his past advocacy for environmental protection.

A vocal critic of vaccines, he ran his campaign on the same conspiracies he has amplified for nearly two decades, promising greater scrutiny of vaccines and greater transparency on the 9/11 record.

The independent presidential candidate, who appears to be siphoning support from the Trump campaign, not Harris, also took a dig at the former president, who previously sought Kennedy’s endorsement and defended his anti-vaccine conspiracies in a phone call captured on a since-deleted video.

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