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RFK Jr attacks Trump and Biden as he pitches 2024 to Libertarian voters | Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Independent candidate vows to pardon Snowden and drop charges against Assange, says Trump ‘caved’ on pandemic response

Fri May 24, 2024 8:12 p.m. EDT

Robert Kennedy Jr., a longtime independent candidate for president of the United States, sought to court Libertarian Party voters by portraying rivals Donald Trump and Joe Biden as enemies of individual liberty.

Kennedy, 70, brought the libertarians to their feet by promising to pardon government whistleblower Edward Snowden, currently exiled in Russia, and to drop espionage charges against Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks who is fighting against American attempts to extradite him from Britain.

Founded in 1971, the Libertarian Party is committed to limiting the size and scope of government and received 1.2% of the national vote in the 2020 presidential election. But as this year’s race looms In a tight race, Kennedy, the anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist and environmental advocate, and Trump, the Republican nominee, are chasing votes at his convention in Washington.

At the start of a 45-minute speech, Kennedy shed light on the recent revelation that he had a brain worm more than a decade ago. Accusing former leaders of repeatedly encroaching on individual freedoms, up to and including the coronavirus pandemic, he said to applause: “Maybe a brain worm ate that part of memory, but I don’t recall any part of the United States Constitution where there is an exemption for pandemics.

Speaking to a few hundred delegates, Kennedy accused Trump of allowing the government to abuse individual liberties during the pandemic. He said: “I think he had the right instincts when he came into office. At first he was very reluctant to impose lockdowns, but then he was cheated by his bureaucrats. He gave in and many of our most basic rights disappeared virtually overnight.

Kennedy received further applause when he said: “All of our constitutional rights have been violated. They closed all the churches but kept the Walmarts and liquor stores open..”

He accused Trump of closing 3.3 million businesses. “President Trump said he was going to run America like a business, and he came in and gave the keys to all of our businesses to a 50-year-old bureaucrat who had never been elected to anything and who had no responsibility,” he said. .

Kennedy struck a chord in his audience when he discussed the espionage charges against Assange, who this week won the right to appeal his extradition, and against the National Security Agency whistleblower ( NSA) Snowden. Each line was met with cheers and applause as he spoke.

Audience members applaud Friday. Photograph: Brian Snyder/Reuters

“President Trump also attacked the First Amendment and failed to defend freedom of the press when he continued President (Barack) Obama’s persecution and prosecution of Julian Assange,” he said. he declares. “Assange should be celebrated as a hero. He did exactly what journalists are supposed to do, which is expose government corruption. We shouldn’t put him in prison; we should have a monument in his honor here in Washington DC.

“The same goes for Edward Snowden… He’s a hero, not a criminal, and I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to do what President Trump should have done. On my first day in office, I will pardon Edward Snowden and drop the charges – all charges – against Julian Assange.”

The room erupted in roars of approval.

Kennedy argued that he deserved a place on the debate stage with Biden and Trump, who have so far agreed to two televised debates without him. Opinion polls suggest he could siphon votes from both men, with a Reuters/Ipsos survey in May showing he was supported by 13% of respondents.

He also went after the current president. “When President Trump left office, the assault on the Constitution intensified. President Biden violated a freedom so fundamental that James Madison didn’t even think to include it in the Bill of Rights.”

Kennedy accused Biden of “a program of coercion and information control” during the pandemic, repeating unfounded claims that Biden colluded with the FBI to coerce social media sites into allowing government agencies to conduct ” an obscene orgy of federal censorship.” He said it was going from “medical misinformation” to an entire censorship industrial complex» it also stifles criticism of the war in Ukraine.

Coronavirus vaccines have been deemed safe and effective by the U.S. government and its regulatory agencies as well as the World Health Organization. The first two years of Covid vaccination saved around 3 million lives in the United States alone, according to a study published by the Commonwealth Fund.

Kennedy has been criticized for making false medical claims over the years about vaccines. Son of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, assassinated in 1968 during his own presidential bid, Kennedy drew criticism from his famous family, who publicly supported Biden. At his event Friday, badges reminiscent of John F. Kennedy’s campaign in the 1960s were placed on seats.

Kennedy, who chose wealthy lawyer Nicole Shanahan as his running mate and is so far officially registered to vote in seven states, supports Israel and has questioned a six-year ceasefire weeks supported by Biden. On Friday, a delegate shouted: “Liberate Palestine!” Free Palestine!” Kennedy replied: “Happy to talk afterwards.”

A “Kennedy for President” badge at the convention Friday. Photograph: Will Oliver/EPA

The candidate then said: “Murder is not acceptable anywhere, in any form. This is why I will end the eternal wars. The wars that ruined our nation and ruined our reputation abroad.» There were cheers and shouts of “Yes!” »

Overall, Kennedy’s reception at the convention was warm, throwing a challenge to Trump, who is scheduled to speak Saturday evening.

Dan Belforti, a Libertarian Party member wearing a “Kennedy 2024” T-shirt, said: “He’s pretty libertarian. It’s actually better on the environment than the Libertarian Party’s platform is. A true free market would integrate the externalities of pollution, but the Libertarian Party does not necessarily include this in its program yet.”

Belforti, 60, a retired financial advisor and former congressional candidate and radio host, also praised Kennedy’s skepticism about vaccines.He is right. Well documented. I am amazed at how much the American press has demonized him as some kind of anti-vax extremist when in reality he is a very sensible, reasonable and rational man, so this shows to how powerful the pharmaceutical lobby is.

But Belforti, who lives in West Palm Beach, Florida, parts ways with Kennedy on Gaza: “I don’t understand why he supports Israel’s response to the terrorist attack. People all over the world would understand that you want to achieve some form of justice, but I think what is happening is so exaggerated that I cannot support this policy. This is the one issue that Bobby Kennedy might be weakest on in this room.

Pendleton Spicer, 79, a musician and elections official in Tucson County, Arizona, does not plan to vote for Kennedy. “It just doesn’t represent my beliefs. I feel like he bought into the narrative about the horror of climate change. I don’t agree with the story.»

But she added: “I like his position on medical issues – there is plenty of scientific data showing that vaccines are dangerous – as long as it maintains the position that we have freedom over our bodies, freedom of choice over what goes into our bodies.

Adrien Malagon, chairman of the Libertarian Party of California, said: “He’s a very interesting man. He is excellent on medical freedom. There are some things he’s fantastic at. He doesn’t occupy all the libertarian positions but he is a fascinating man. I had the privilege of meeting him, speaking with him and I love him very much.

Kennedy’s appearance was protested by the progressive group MoveOn, which circulated a mobile billboard around the Libertarian National Convention in an effort to argue that a vote for Kennedy is effectively a vote for Trump.

Joel Payne, Head of Political Action Communications at MoveOn, said: “As if we needed further proof, Kennedy Jr made it clear today that he should not be anywhere near the Oval Office. It’s no surprise that Kennedy Jr. and Trump are on the same stage this weekend. They already share the same views on restricting access to abortion and spreading dangerous conspiracy theories.

News Source : amp.theguardian.com
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