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World News

RFK Jr. Advisor Makes Shocking Admission About Campaign’s True Goal

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been described as a spoiler candidate for president by Joe Biden supporters, and even by Kennedy himself. But the Kennedy campaign manager in New York goes even further.

In a meeting With Empire State Republicans, Rita Palma said “our common enemy is Biden.”

“The only way Trump can take New York, even if it is far away, is if Bobby is on the ballot. If it’s Trump versus Biden, Biden wins. Biden wins six days, seven days a week. With Bobby in the mix, anything can happen,” Palma said in the meeting video, dated Friday and seen by CNN.

The video, which was posted to YouTube before being taken down, showed Palma advocating for Kennedy’s candidacy as a way to prevent Biden’s re-election.

“The only way for him, for Bobby, to shake things up and get rid of Biden is to see him on the voting rolls in every state, including New York,” she said.

Palma even asked people to go to Pennsylvania, a swing state, to knock on Trump’s doors, saying she did so in 2016 and 2020.

She described the scenario in which neither Biden nor Trump obtains the 270 electoral votes required to win the 2024 election. If that were to happen, the House of Representatives would decide who will be the next president of the United States. Palma argued that Kennedy’s victory in blue states like New York could allow that to happen.

“Who will they choose? If this is a Republican Congress, they will choose Trump. So we’re rid of Biden anyway,” she said.

It can be argued that Kennedy’s supporter base comes from both the left and the right, as do many environmentalists, anti-vaccines and new age enthusiasts. attend his fundraisers. But it remains to be seen whether Democrats have anything to say. to worry about at the polls, even as Kennedy continues to produce scandalous sound clips and do dangerous statements.


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