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Report of puppies thrown from bridge in Townsend was false, police say

Local News

Officers investigated the Amidon Family Memorial Bridge in Townsend last week.

Police responded to a report that puppies were thrown off a bridge in Townsend last week, which turned out to be false.

The report of animal cruelty came into the Townsend Police Department on April 11 around 7:50 p.m., officials said in a statement Friday. Officers went to the Amidon Family Memorial Bridge on Wheeler Road “after learning that a person had thrown one or more puppies off the bridge and into Willard Brook.”

Authorities searched the creek and found no evidence corroborating the report. The city’s animal control officer and Ashby police were also contacted.

Police identified the person who was on the bridge at the time of the alleged incident through a social media post about the investigation. Several residents responded to the post and “provided valuable leads,” police said. The person consented to a formal interview with officers.

“Based on this interview and the subsequent investigation, the department has determined that no animals were harmed and no crimes were committed. The investigation is considered closed,” police said.


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