
Redfall’s latest update revamps the game as Arkane devs bid farewell

Earlier this month, it was announced that Arkane Austin, among a number of other Bethesda-owned studios, would be be closed by Xboxwhich means the team responsible for the vampire-themed shooter Red fall would not be able to continue supporting the game. The developers would have been I’m working on a major update just before the news broke, leading many to believe that it would never see the light of day. Fortunately, the team was able conclude what it started and today, Red fallIt is final update went live.

The update (cheekily called 1.451.3.0 since 0451 is an important number in the history of immersive simulations) introduces an offline mode for Red fallwhich was among the most requested features when the game was released. much criticized launch Last spring. There is also now an option to pause the game in single player mode in case you need to step away from the game for a minute without fear.

Red fallThe final update also revamps some of the game’s major systems to make them more rewarding and streamlined. The neighborhood system has been revamped and equipped with a new meter called Community Standing, which increases when “unlock a new shelter, complete shelter missions, save civilians, or kill an Underboss.” Community has six ranks that players can progress through, and there are 39 rewards to be earned by completing them all.

Updates also introduce Elderberry Nests Red fall which, similar to the heart nests already present in the game, are boss-focused arenas that “challenge you to destroy special, dangerously modified vampires.” Completing an Elder Nest will grant players rewards as well as a temporary buff called Heart Shard, the effectiveness of which scales with the difficulty of the game. The more difficult the Elder Nest encounter, the longer the buff lasts a long time.

While the available patch notes aren’t complete, the final update also brings new enemy encounters, enemy AI improvements, a new weapon, accessibility options, and much more. As the update was promoted, many of Arkane Austin’s developers, including former creative director Harvey Smithbegan to spread the news of his arrival and bid farewell to Red fallits dedicated community of players and Arkane Austin fans.

Some external developers, notably Dinga Bakabadirector of sister studio Arkane Lyon, also intervened to congratulate the team for their hard work and pay tribute to the studio on the occasion of its closure.

Red fallThe final update is obviously bittersweet. Arkane Austin was clearly addressing concerns players raised about the game when it launched last year. If the update is any indication, the team was fully prepared to overhaul the game and its systems to improve the experience and make Red fall in the game that many were hoping for. Now, as it releases one final update and closes its doors for good, Red fall will never have the chance to reach the height of his ambitions, and that is simply tragic.

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