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Rebel Wilson’s Salaries for Pitch Perfect & Bridesmaids

You won’t believe how much Rebel Wilson‘s salary has fluctuated throughout his career.

THE Perfect pitch the actress detailed how much her income soared between her breakout role in Bridesmaids be a Barden Bella in her new memoir The rise of the rebels.

After sharing that she only made $3,500 to appear alongside Kristin Wiig, Melissa McCarthy And Maya Rudolph in the 2011 wedding comedy, Rebel, which also compared her acting journey to that of “a woman Jonas Hill– reiterated that it was “the first opportunity in Hollywood that changed the trajectory of my entire career.”

As she said, the salary “didn’t matter to me.”

Rebel explained that it was just enough for her to join SAG-AFTRA and continue looking for roles in the United States. In fact, in the two weeks following Bridesmaids‘ box office success, the Senior year The star wrote that she had six concerts booked.

“One of them was Pitch Perfect,” she continued. “Boy, did this movie pay off!”

The 44-year-old earned $65,000 for the franchise’s first installment in 2012. And after the 2015 sequel scored the biggest musical opening of all time, Rebel was able to negotiate another massive pay raise for the third film: 10 million dollars.


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