Experts seem to be the alarm that Russian president Vladimir Putin is preparing for new offensives in Ukraine, potentially resulting in the conflict for an additional nine months. This development occurs despite the efforts of former American president Donald Trump to attract Putin to peace talks.
The Institute for the Study of War (ISW), a renowned reflection group based in Washington DC, observed Russian military plans to surround Kupiansk in the Kharkiv region, among other strategic movements. Isw interprets these actions as clear indicators according to which Putin is not yet ready to call hostilities, despite the massive losses which, according to an expert
According to ISW, the February 2024 assault on Russia on Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine is probably a model for future campaigns against other urban centers. However, military analysts suggest that the capture of key places such as Pokrovsk and Kupiansk can present greater challenges for Russian forces – even after being reinforced by North Korean troops.
The ISW said: “The Russian military command has shown that it was willing to engage in operations that could take six to nine months to conclude.”

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They added: “Russian commanders probably operate under the hypothesis or direct knowledge that Russian President Vladimir Putin does not intend to end the war in Ukraine in the near future.”
Emil Kastehelmi of the Osint Black Bird Group analysis firm commented on the slow rhythm of the Battle of Totretsk, noting the progressive progress of Russia and its recent advances on the outskirts of the city, reports the Express.
Despite the ongoing military activities, Putin said last month that Russia was “ready to negotiate” with Ukraine.
Addressing a journalist from Russian state television, he expressed his optimism about cooperation: “We believe that the president’s current statements on his desire to work together. We are always open to this and ready for negotiations. “

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He added that it would be more advantageous to meet and discuss according to current realities.
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Later in January, Trump took a more difficult position against Russia, threatening taxes, prices and sanctions if Putin did not accept to stop the conflict. In an article on Truth Social, Mr. Trump warned: “Everything being said, I will do Russia, whose economy fails, and President Putin, a very great favor. Install now and stop this ridiculous war! C ‘is only going to worsen.
He also asked for the end of the war, saying that it would not have started under his presidency: “Let’s go this war, which would never have started if I was president, we can do it the easy way, or The difficult way – and the simplest way is always better. “More life should not be lost !!!”
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