World News

Pro-Palestinian camp appears at Oxford University

STORY: :: Oxford University students created a pro-Palestinian movement

encampment as campus protests spread to Europe

:: May 7, 2024

:: Oxford, England

:: Anna Serafidiou, pro-Palestinian protester

“It’s one thing to issue a statement and acknowledge at the bare minimum that this is a humanitarian crisis. There are people dying of hunger, children dying of starvation, the 600,000 children of Rafah right now are all malnourished and starving – that’s a statement from UNICEF It’s a statistic, and I think it’s the bare minimum to recognize that. -Uni is providing military and financial aid to Israel to continue this massacre, so without concrete action to stop this aid and allow it to continue It is not enough to say it is a bad thing and call it a day. think words aren’t enough right now and that’s all that was done really well.”

Students, joined by professors, erected dozens of brightly colored tents on the lawns outside Oxford University’s relatively yellow and drab, 19th-century neo-Gothic Museum of Natural History.

The students also listed their demands on a poster stating that they wanted universities to “disclose all their finances, disengage from Israeli genocide, apartheid and occupation” and “revise their investment policies and support Palestinian-led reconstruction of education in Gaza.

The protests in Britain, however, contrast sharply with the jarring scenes of the past two weeks in the United States, where riot police wielding batons and flash grenades have dispersed and arrested hundreds of demonstrators.


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