
Princess Anne ‘doing well’ in hospital after injury, says husband | Princess Anne

Princess Anne

Sir Tim Laurence brings Princess Royal ‘some little treats from home’ and says she is making ‘slow but sure’ progress

Tue June 25, 2024 11:13 a.m. EDT

The Princess Royal, who is recovering from head injuries believed to have been inflicted by a horse, is making “slow but steady” progress, her husband said.

V Adm Sir Tim Laurence visited Anne after spending a second night at Southmead Hospital in Bristol, where she remains under observation after suffering a concussion.

She suffered a minor head injury on Sunday evening in an incident while walking at her estate in Gatcombe Park, Gloucestershire.

Laurence arrived at the hospital with a blue cooler bag and is believed to have had lunch with his wife during the two hours he was in hospital.

When asked how she was doing at the time of her departure, he replied: “She is doing well, slowly but surely.” When asked if he had brought anything for her, he replied: “Just some little treats from home.” »

He later added: “She is recovering well, thank you. We are both deeply grateful to the medical team and support staff at the hospital for their expert care – and to the emergency services who were all so wonderful at the scene.

“We are both deeply touched by all the kind messages we have received from so many people here and abroad. It means a lot.

Princess Anne posing for a portrait in Gatcombe Park in 2020 to mark her 70th birthday. Photo: Camera Press/Getty Images

Little is known about the incident that led to Anne’s injury. It is understood she is unable to remember specific details due to the concussion. There were reportedly horses near where the accident occurred, within the protected perimeter of his estate, and his medical team said his injuries were consistent with potential impact with the head or legs of a horse. horse.

Emergency services and an air ambulance attended and Anne was treated at the scene. She was transferred by road to Southmead Hospital for tests, treatment and observation.

Buckingham Palace said on Monday that the princess was expected to make a “full and speedy recovery”.

Laurence as well as Anne’s children, Peter Phillips and Zara Tindall, were at the estate at the time. Laurence accompanied her to the hospital.

The princess is expected to be able to return home later this week, but the incident has caused her planned engagements for the week to be postponed.

She was due to travel to Canada at the end of this week, but on the advice of doctors, she has not decided to travel. Consultations were underway with the Canadian government on adapting the proposed commitments.

Plans to attend a banquet Tuesday evening for a Japanese state visit were canceled.

The palace spokesperson said: “On the advice of doctors, Her Royal Highness’s engagements for the coming week will be postponed. Her Royal Highness apologizes to anyone who may be inconvenienced or disappointed by this.

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News Source : amp.theguardian.com

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