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Prince Harry Was “Furious” About Frogmore Eviction

Following the publication of Prince Harry’s memoirs Spare Last year, the official senior royal and his wife Meghan Markle were kicked out of Frogmore Cottage. Although they don’t spend much time in the UK, Harry was reportedly very upset by King Charles’ decision.

“At the time, few people realized what a slap in the face Frogmore’s expulsion was to Harry. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back,” royal author Tom Quinn told the Mirror.

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“Harry was absolutely furious and in tears about being kicked out of Frogmore,” Quinn added. “He believed that his father had no right to do so and that it was purely vindictive. Harry did not see that choosing to cease being a member of the royal family would inevitably mean being deprived of his royal residence. Harry took this as a cruel rejection.”

Harry and Meghan moved to the United States in 2020 after taking a step back from their royal duties. However, they would still use their old home when visiting the UK. The prince even stayed at Frogmore last year while dealing with his case against the British tabloids.

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The decision to deport Harry and Markle was made a day after the release of the Duke’s explosive book, according to Marie Claire. Later, royal expert Omid Scobie wrote in his book End of Game that it was Princess Anne who “persuaded” King Charles to pull the trigger and deport the couple. According to Scobie, Anne was “at the forefront of the tough approach”, while their brother, Prince Edward, was more “concerned” about it.

The couple were also reportedly “shocked” to learn of their deportation, and Prince Harry went to his father and asked: “Do you want to see your grandchildren again?” according to Scobie’s book.

Harry and Markle officially moved out last summer. “This deportation surely marks the end of Harry and Meghan’s time in the UK,” a source said. The sun in March 2023. However, Harry has since visited the UK, most recently after King Charles announced his cancer diagnosis earlier this year.

Harry was due to return to his homeland in May for the 10th anniversary celebrations of the Invictus Games. However, The Express now reports that he may not make the trip if he does not have adequate security. “Whenever Harry goes to the UK, his trips always depend on how safe he is,” a source said. “Before deciding whether or not to attend the Invictus Games anniversary event, its security team must ensure that St. Paul’s is properly protected by the Metropolitan Police and that its own security needs are met during its stay in London.”


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