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Prince Harry is frustrated his family doesn’t ‘recognize’ him

Prince Harry has many reasons to be happy – like his sunny life in California, his two children and not being shackled by the rules and regulations of the British monarchy, to name a few – but sources close to the royal family say there is a permanent scowl on his face. For what? Even now, he seeks approval from his family and he doesn’t get it, despite his best efforts.

Tom Quinn, royal expert and author of Golden Youth: A Story of Growing Up in the Royal Family: From the Tudors to the Cambridgessay it Mirror, “Harry and Meghan consider their recent trip to Nigeria a huge success, but for Harry, every success is a different kind of failure as his family refuses to acknowledge his efforts and steadfastly refuses to apologize for anything that happened. has passed into the past in Nigeria and even with Meghan by his side and regularly holding his hand, he still has a permanent expression of bitterness on his face.

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The general public may have seen Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s recent tour of Nigeria as a success, but experts add that the royal family saw it as a “fake royal tour” and even go so far as to say that some Firm members fear that the Sussexes could become the face of the British monarchy and that the rift between Harry and Meghan and other members of the royal family, including Prince William and Kate Middleton, could widen.

Lynn Carratt explained: “These fake royal tours could deepen their rift with the royal family, if not handled properly. Their Nigerian tour exposed all the hallmarks of a royal tour that would have infuriated the palace.”

“I don’t think the Nigerian tour did anything to increase their popularity in the UK and the US,” Carratt added. “But it showed African nations the work that (the) couple can do and it will certainly have increased their popularity there.”

During his time in Nigeria, Harry noted that the tour was “the first of many trips” and sources added that the Sussexes may soon be planning a trip to Ghana.

“There is already a lot of talk and excitement in Ghana, everyone is so excited for Harry and Meghan to come and experience the great culture and warmth,” a source shared with the Mirror.

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Although some point out Harry’s sour expression, there were plenty of smiles when he was in Africa with Meghan. During their tour, the two visited several communities and attended cultural events – some even giving the prince goosebumps.


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