
Polish ex-PM refuses to rule out a single far-right group in EU Parliament – POLITICO

Several ID members, including Vlaams Belang MEP Gerolf Annemans and German far-right MEP Maximilian Krah, attended the event at the European Parliament, organized by the ECR.

The conference demonstrated that the parties share many commonalities when it comes to attacking the new EU migration deal, bashing bureaucrats and pillorying the Green Deal as devastating for domestic industries.

However, Orbán simply said that discussions on Ukraine’s EU membership should be separated from discussions on its war with Russia.

Fidesz MEP Kinga Gál said she hoped her party would join the REC (Fidesz has been politically homeless in Europe since leaving the center-right European People’s Party in 2021).

Gál also brushed aside the idea that Fidesz and Poland’s Law and Justice party (Morawiecki’s party) differed on support for Ukraine against Russian invaders. “I’m very positive about it,” she said, saying the two parties had a lot in common as parties running on a “sovereignist” platform.

National Rally MEP Gilles Lebreton said “negotiations are underway” but downplayed the importance of forming a single large group combining eurosceptics, nationalists and the far right.


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