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PM Modi in Chittorgarh – Firstpost

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday launched a scathing attack on the Congress-led government in Rajasthan and said the grand old party had “destroyed the roots of the state in the last five years”.

Addressing a rally in Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, where elections are being held, PM Modi said, “The Congress government in Rajasthan has destroyed the roots of the state in the last five years.

“When news comes from here, I feel a lot of distress. I say this with sadness, today, when it comes to crime, which state comes out on top? Our Rajasthan! said the Prime Minister.

“Pains that Rajasthan tops the list of crimes”

Questioning the people of Chittorgarh, PM Modi said, “The maximum number of cases of crimes against women are from Rajasthan. Is this why you voted for Congress?

He further said that the Congress had left no stone unturned to loot the state.

“Congress formed Rajasthan government by misleading people”

Stepping up his attack on the Congress, PM Modi said the party formed the government in Rajasthan by “misleading” the people. “Through deception, the Congress managed to form a government but could not lead it,” he said.

‘BJP aayegi, dange, patthar baazi rukwayegi’

Attacking the incumbent Congress government in Rajasthan for its lax attitude on issues such as women’s safety, law and order and alleged corruption, PM Modi assured that once the BJP forms the government in the state, its first priority will be to put an end to criminal activities such as riots.

The Prime Minister also targeted the alleged paper leak mafia in the state and assured that those involved would be punished most severely.

Congress a ‘kursi-bachao sarkar’

The Prime Minister also called the Congress a “kursi-bachao sarkar” and asked if the party had done any work apart from “saving its own seat”.

“Here Ashok Gehlot was just trying to save the president from the chief minister, and half the Congress was busy toppling its president,” PM Modi said.

He further said that Congress had indulged in infighting while leaving the public to its own devices. The Prime Minister further said that the only thing the party remained united on was the looting of Rajasthan.

“Gehlot is sure he is leaving”

PM Modi said the state’s outgoing CM Ashok Gehlot “himself knows that he will leave and requests the BJP government not to stop his plans”.

“Géhlot ji he himself knows that he is leaving his post as CM, that’s why he has already congratulated the BJP. You see what he is saying these days: once the BJP forms the government, its plans should not be stopped,” PM Modi said.

The Prime Minister went on to say that after being voted to power, the BJP would continue the Congress projects in Rajasthan and investigate the looted poor.

“We will continue our projects and improve them, but we will definitely investigate those who indulged in corruption and looted the poor,” he said.

Ahead of his speech, Prime Minister Modi inaugurated and laid the foundation stones of several development projects worth Rs 7,000 crore in Chittorgarh on Monday.


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