
Pittsburgh’s 32nd Komen More than Rose Walk

Sunday marks Pittsburgh’s 32nd Komen More than Pink March

WE’RE GONNA SHOW YOU SOME LIVE PICTURES FROM THERE NOW. KELLY FREY DELAWARE COUNTY. WE CELEBRATE THE PATH THAT BROUGHT THEM HERE WITH US TODAY. THEIR STORIES, EACH UNIQUE AND POWERFUL, REMIND US THAT BREAST CANCER IS PERSONAL AND CHANGES LIVES FOREVER. NOW WE WANT TO TELL YOU ABOUT SOME OF THESE BRAVE PEOPLE. HAVE YOU SEEN A PINK? I see Julie SMIDGA, proud survivor, the best fundraiser for Komen’s mission. HER AND HER FAMILY IN MILWAUKEE FOR OVER 20 YEARS. ALSO IN THE CROWD IS CASEY LIPINSKI. CASEY, THE MOTHER OF LIBBY, SIX YEARS OLD. Hi, Tom. AND ALMOST. YES. What you just saw was the path of survivors. EXCUSE ME. PATH OF HOPE. THE SURVIVORS WALK. THEY ARE ALL BREAST CANCER SURVIVORS WHO ARE FOLLOWING THIS PATH. THEY ARE. NOW YOU KNOW, HOSTED HERE BY ANDREW STOCKEY. AND THEY’RE ABOUT TO START. WE WILL HEAR FROM BREAST CANCER SURVIVORS. PEOPLE WHO ARE CURRENTLY FIGHTING BREAST CANCER, WORKING ON THEIR OWN UNIQUE JOURNEY WITH THIS DISEASE. IT’S REALLY AMAZING TO SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE HERE FOR THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE IN PINK SHOWING THEIR SUPPORT FOR THEIR LOVED ONES AND STANDING UP THEMSELVES, DEFENDING THEIR OWN, YOU KNOW, THEIR OWN JOURNEY WITH BREAST CANCER RESEARCH, WALK. I know we’re hearing from Michelle Wright now. She’s on stage right now to welcome people, uh, to start this event today. In a little while, everyone’s going to be lining up and they’re going to start this pink march again, uh, through Schenley Park. THIS IS A REALLY INCREDIBLE, INCREDIBLE MOMENT. Just to see how many people are here to share their stories and support each other, raising money for breast cancer research will bring you a lot more coming later in this newscast for an event in one way or another. ‘another when the event and CAYLEE, it just really highlights the need for funds. THEIR GOAL $500,000. They are approaching $400,000. They have until mid-June to reach this goal. So there will be more happening there as we head back there on the path of hope. It’ll be in about half an hour. THIS IS WHEN THE MARCH WILL START. So we’ll come back to see Caylee in a few minutes. JUST STILL SUCH A POWERFUL MOMENT THERE AND A GRE

Sunday marks Pittsburgh’s 32nd Komen More than Pink March

Pittsburgh’s Action News 4 is proud to sponsor the Komen More than Pink Walk, aimed at raising awareness, support and funds for research to find a cure for breast cancer. Sunday marks the 32nd More than Pink Walk, formerly known as The Race for the Cure in Schenley Park. WTAE was on hand when the opening ceremony began at 9 a.m. RELATED: Photos from 2024 More than Pink Walk “Here in Pittsburgh, we are advancing groundbreaking research that saves lives and brings us closer to curing breast cancer, but we cannot do it alone. This year’s March is not just an event; This is a crucial time to secure vital funds that will create better treatments and equitable care. available to everyone. We hope you can join us as we collectively pave the way to a future free of the burden of breast cancer,” said Molly Sweet, Susan G. Komen Chief Development Officer for Western Pennsylvania. It is estimated that more than 13,000 women are. diagnosed with breast cancer in Pennsylvania. WTAE’s Andrew Stockey, Michelle Wright and other presenters will serve as walk emcees. RELATED: Walking to Remember and Educate in the Pittsburgh More Than Pink Walk This year, WTAE is inviting survivors to our tent to sign a banner. The names will then be carried throughout the Path of Hope procession.

Pittsburgh’s Action News 4 is proud to sponsor the Komen More than Pink Walk, aimed at raising awareness, support and funds for research to find a cure for breast cancer.

Sunday marks the 32nd More than Pink March, formerly known as The Race for the Cure, in Schenley Park.

WTAE was present when the opening ceremony began at 9 a.m.

RELATED: Photos from 2024 More than the pink march

“Here in Pittsburgh, we are advancing groundbreaking research that saves lives and brings us closer to curing breast cancer, but we cannot do it alone. This year’s March is not just an event; this is a crucial time to secure vital funds. , which will allow everyone to benefit from better treatment and equitable care. We hope you can join us as we collectively pave the way to a future free of the burden of breast cancer,” said Molly Sweet, Susan G. Komen Chief Development Officer for Western Pennsylvania. said.

It is estimated that more than 13,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in Pennsylvania.

WTAE’s Andrew Stockey, Michelle Wright and other presenters will serve as walk emcees.

RELATED: Walk to Remember and Educate in the Pittsburgh More Than Pink Walk

This year, WTAE invites survivors to our tent to sign a banner. The names will then be carried throughout the Path of Hope procession.

WTAE tent

News Source :
Gn Health

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