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Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Pulls Support for Columbia Amid Protests

  • New England Patriots owner and Columbia donor Robert Kraft is withdrawing his support for the university.
  • Colombia is divided by protests against Israel’s war in Gaza.
  • Kraft said he “is no longer confident that Columbia can protect its students and staff.”

Robert Kraft, billionaire owner of the New England Patriots and Columbia University alumnus, has withdrawn his support for the university, which has been rocked by unrest and protests over Israel’s war in Gaza.

In a statement through his organization Foundation to fight anti-SemitismKraft said Columbia was “no longer an institution that I recognize,” adding that he was “no longer confident that Columbia can protect its students and staff.”

“I am not comfortable supporting the university until corrective action is taken,” Kraft said, in honor of the name of Columbia’s Kraft Center For Jewish Life.

Students and faculty were arrested at the school after occupying the campus to protest the Israel-Gaza conflict. Protesters called on the school to divest from Israeli companies and institutions affiliated with the war, which has killed thousands of civilians.

Meanwhile, Jewish leaders on campus claimed protesters made offensive remarks toward Jewish students, with one rabbi recommending students stay off campus.


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