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Pathetic Trump is already trying to withdraw from the Biden debate

After the president Joe Biden and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump Wednesday morning accepted two debates in June and SeptemberTrump suddenly started trying to start a third debate on his own.

“Please let this TRUTH serve to represent that I hereby agree to debate Crooked Joe Biden on FoxNews. The date will be Wednesday October 2. Hosts will be Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum,” Trump wrote in a statement. Truth on social media Wednesday afternoon.

The Trump campaign had announced that it had accepted an invitation from CNN to debate Biden on June 27, as well as a second invitation to an ABC-moderated debate on September 10. Biden, who previously accepted an invitation from CNN, also agreed to participate in a debate moderated by ABC. also participates in the ABC News debate. But Trump’s message appears to indicate that the former president is trying to change the deal on his own. Biden’s campaign accused him of “play games.”

“Donald Trump has a long history of playing games with debates: complaining about the rules, breaking the rules, withdrawing at the last minute, or not showing up at all – all of which he has done repeatedly over his three presidential cycles. said Biden re-election campaign chairwoman Jen O’Malley Dillon in a statement.

“President Biden has made clear his terms for two one-on-one debates, and Donald Trump has agreed to those terms. More games. No more chaos, no more debate upon debate. We will see Donald Trump on June 27 in Atlanta, if he shows up,” Dillion added.

Is Trump trying to make excuses and ultimately get out of the debates? He has already ignored debates during the Republican presidential primaries, but these were to his political advantage because he never trailed any of his Republican opponents in the polls. In this case, chickening out would probably look really bad. It should be easy to debate an opponent you’ve nicknamed “Sleepy Joe.” Of course, Trump has little room to speak now that he’s been arrested. doze several times during his secret trial.


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